Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Forest Sector Country Profiles for Central and Eastern European Countries (FSCP/CEEC) “The challenge of gathering information” Background Presentation of the website (draft for Croatia) Data sources availability Questionnaire focused on Forest Policy Diana Pfeiffer, Consultant
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Why we need Forest Sector Country Profiles specially for Central and Eastern European Countries? - The regional approach
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Theoretical background: Agroweb FSCP/CEEC FDCP * FDCP... FAO Forest Department Country Profiles
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Overall structure is partly too specific to be applied on every country leads to redundant categories that are primarily relevant to different forest types and/or economic regions Numerous submenus are likely to confuse the user Relevant information that already is part of the FAO databases is not displayed in the FDCP yet (esp. TBFRA- 2000) Why not stick with the FAO Forest department country profiles (FDCP) (1/2) ?
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Other sources focus frequently on only one specific aspect of forest management, e.g. wood production or forest resources or provide too specific country information Shortcomings with regard to information on social and environmental benefits from forests, forestry services as well as policy institutions and instruments Why not stick with the FAO Forest department country profiles (FDCP) (2/2) ?
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Intention of FSCP/CEEC: Collect and display reliable, web based, concise, comprehensive and the filtered most relevant country data and information about forest management with relevance to CEE countries which are easily and widely accessible through an internet based portal
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia General Information Forest Resources and Benefits Forest Products and Services Forest Policy Let´s have a closer look! – The sub-categories Structure of the information subjects
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Categories for FSCP/CEEC were selected on the base of the following criteria (1/2): Availability of reliable data and information; Focus on key subjects with relevance to decision making on forest policy and the contribution of forest management to sustainable development; No intention to present a “complete” set of all available information;
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Categories for FSCP/CEEC were selected on the base of the following criteria (2/2): Focus on the potential user: less detailed structure to less likely confuse the costumer; No displaying of forest knowledge “niches”; Provide as much as possible links to reliable data on external web sites that is regularly updated web low maintenance of data
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Structure of the single pages - Examples given for each category - A draft for Croatia
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Major types of information sources Internet oOutcomes of FAO/UNECE networks Forest Resource Assessment (Global/Europe) Timber Statistics (Eurostat, ITTO, UNECE) FAO project database ECOLEX (FAO, IUCN and UNEP) oOther Internet sources (e.g. UNIDO, WCPA) Hardcopy publications, manuals, other documents (e.g. UNECE/FAO TB-FRA 2000, MCPFE/UNECE/FAO State of Europe’s Forest 2003) Questionnaire (FAO/SEUR Forestry, EFI PC INNOFORCE, UNECE Private Forestry)
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Info survey
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Information subject Share of dataType of data source General Information 42 % 58 % FAO/UNECE networks (UNECE Statistics, FAO project database, FDCP) Questionnaire Forest Resources and Benefits 55 % 15 % 25 % 5 % FAO/UNECE networks (Global FRA) Other Internet sources (WCPA) Hardcopy publications (TB-FRA 2000, State of Europe’s Forest 2003, Forest Fire Statistics, ICP Forests) Questionnaire Forest Products and Services 46 % 9 % 27 % 18 % FAO/UNECE networks (Global FRA, Timber Statistics) Other Internet sources (UNIDO) Hardcopy publications (State of Europe’s Forest 2003, FAO Forest Finance) Questionnaire/INNOFORCE Forest Policy 36 % 7 % 14 % 43 % FAO/UNECE networks (nfp, Ecolex, EFSOS) Other Internet sources Hardcopy publications (State of Europe’s Forest 2003) Questionnaire
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Focus on wood production Fragmentation of national and international forest policies, lack of coordination Lack of tradition, awareness, education and experts in “multiple” forest policy Information gap in Forest Policy
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Building up a sustainable network of policy experts......with access to information and statistics in all terms of forest management (wood production, hunting, biodiversity, nature protection, water management and other forest functions)! First step: Questionnaire focused on Forest Policy The challenge: Need for a functioning and efficient infrastructure/ body/platform/mandate/partner (e.g. FAO/UNECE???)
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia 1.Governmental institutions (responsible for law enforcement on forest land and main policy instrument used) 2.Property rights on forest resources 3.Execution of main forest law on main regional levels 4.State owned forest management 5.Stakeholders 6.Key forest policy and market issues Questionnaire on Forest Policy
Timber Committee “Capacity Building for Information Exchange on Forest Policies in Caucasus Region” September 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia Your assistance, comments, proposals and ideas on the country profiles and the questionnaire are more than welcome and appreciated! For more information please contact: