Baby Boomers GenXers DotComs & Ferals Annimac West Coast College of TAFE FLAN Workshop 20 April 2005 Speaker Future Trends Impacting TAFE
Rate of Change 15 secs - new web site 15 mins - new technology every day - 15 million new web pp Amount of change now in one day Grandparents had in one year Younger means faster
Driving all Drivers of Change Technology by % of job types do not exist now because 80 % technology not imagined yet
Imagine what some of those jobs might be ….. ?
Likely jobs in next 15 years : Director of Emerging Thought Chief Zookeeper - of people Creative Undertaker Thought Jockey Chief Imagination Officer Hacker Relations Manager Valuer of Intangible Assets * Human Interface Manager * * Exists 2003
Generations Baby Boomers b 1945 – 60 age fewer males Generation X 1960 – largest number DotComs 1975 – – 30 first wired gen Ferals 1990 – fewest - ½ GenX
What does this mean for TAFE : Right now Into the future For students For staff
Baby Boomers Downsizing lives Empty nesters Retired or part time workers
Baby Boomers Material status Male identity from job Sense of community
Baby Boomers Seek new safe experiences Security conscious Health conscious
Baby Boomers Defer to authority Love / hate change
Impact for TAFE Baby Boomers Winding down : leisure indulgence Contribute back : time & resources Respect rank Volunteer in groups Steady relationships Need relationship continuity organising safe familiar experiences positive group identity
Single Childless Single Childless Net Dating Net Dating Varied lifestyles Varied lifestyles Varied workstyles Varied workstyles SOHO SOHO Generation Xers 30 – 45 Clone of Boomer or DotCom values
Generation X Risk takers Fast decisions Fast decisions Materialism assumed Materialism assumed Environmental values Environmental values
Generation X Personal journey Personal journey Defer to heroes Defer to heroes Expect & accept change Expect & accept change
Impact for TAFE Generation X Individual attention Short term projects Fast action Results oriented Need choices short term complete – stand alone skills oriented demand quality of experience
DotComs 15 – 30 Own path Temporary pairing Group socialising Internet relationships
DotComs No careers No home I.d. from activity Wired
DotComs Immediacy Multi channeled Multi actions Planetary group mission
DotComs Cluetrain Manifesto Temporary deference Need change
Impact for TAFE DotComs Passionate involvement – value driven Team oriented + personal relationship Personal commitment Short term fast involvement Multi channel activities Results oriented - no spin Need choices very short term flexibility innovation real positive outcomes
Ferals 0 – 15 Wild Child No limits No boundaries Planetary mission : create sustainable world create sustainable world
Ferals Parallel universes Wired Wired Unlimited mind channels Unlimited mind channels
Ferals Global i.d. from self values Future jobs unimportant Future jobs unimportant Non consumers Non consumers
Ferals No deference Respect when useful Respect when useful Live change & ignore barriers Live change & ignore barriers
Impact for TAFE Ferals Committed to healthy sustainable world Expect freedom to create Creating new relationships & patterns Virtual world Need personal power clear values - spin detectors no rules no hindrance trust ICT resource access multi channel everything
Summary : Impact 4 TAFE generational differences increasing rapid rate of change major shift in values major shift in attitudes everything relationship based options for personal Work / Life styles less bureaucracy community power individual responsibility younger generations rule change
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