May 19, 2005UAM-IFT, Madrid 2005-2010 : Neutrino physics in underground labs Carlos Pena Garay IAS ~


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Presentation transcript:

May 19, 2005UAM-IFT, Madrid : Neutrino physics in underground labs Carlos Pena Garay IAS ~

The Neutrino Matrix :SM +  mass 3  ranges  1  ranges  thanks to Gonzalez-Garcia, Maltoni Solar + KamLAND Atmospheric + K2K CHOOZ

LSND vs KARMEN LSND : L=30 m, 20<E<60 MeV 3.5 to 7  appearance signal depending on analysis 67 signal events in 1030 signal+background KARMEN : L=17.5 m, 20<E<60 MeV 15 events observed 15.8 background expected Church et al, hep-ex/ Discussion : S. Pascoli, M. Sorel

Beyond standard picture + Sterile. Incompatible : - App. in LSND with disapp. in Bugey and CDHS - Sterile is not in solar (SNO) nor in atmospheric (SK) CPT violation. Incompatible : LSND with atmospheric (SK)  L=2 muon decay. Incompatible : LSND with Karmen     Extra interactions. Incompatible : LSND with atm. SK Babu,Pakvasa, hep-ph/ Bilenki, Giunti, GG, Valle, … Baremboim et al, hep-ph/ Disfavoured at  Disfavoured at  Disfavoured at 

Known knows

Where we are ? Test matter effects in solar neutrinos : - From vacuum averaged oscillations to adiabatic transitions - Daynight effect Test atmospheric oscillations : robustness of  m 2 32 Improve precision Tests beyond SM physics Neutrinos as astrophysical probes Valle’s talk, Halzen’s talk

NH ? or IH ?  13 ?  ? m?m? 4  23 =  ? Known Unknows Majorana mass ?

Hierarchy By matter effects in the 13 sector in atmospheric neutrinos, long baseline experiments, similar to matter effects determination in solar neutrinos   13 non zero break  13 – hierarchy degeneracy By vacuum oscillations with  m 2 31 )<  m 2 21 valid even if  13 =0 break  13 – hierarchy degeneracy By high statistics short baseline reactor neutrino experiments  13 not too small By matter effects in Supernova By neutrinoless double beta decay Raffelt’s talk … Discussion

 23 =  By solar osc. in atmospheric neutrinos, sub-GeV  valid even if  13 =0 discrimination of octant By atmospheric neutrinos, multi-GeV   13 nonzero discrimination of octant Accelerator neutrinos, MINOS : Non –maximal 3  detection if  23 is outside the ATM+K2K 90%CL (sin 2  23 <0.4) thanks to Gonzalez-Garcia, Maltoni, Winter

 13 smallness Solar + 2xKamLAND 2xAtmospheric + K2K CHOOZ MINOS Double-CHOOZ All probes are sensitive to  13 (at different scales, with different sensitivities) hits : 1. MINOS more precise determination of the atmospheric splitting 2. Double-CHOOZ sets the most stringent limit, unless atmospheric splitting is lower than expected. Discussion

2010 null hypothesis: Preliminary! 3  ranges  1  ranges  thanks to Gonzalez-Garcia, Maltoni, Winter Solar + 2xKamLAND 2xAtmospheric + K2K CHOOZ MINOS Doble-CHOOZ 1  determination of small parameters relevant in CP violation observables

Mass scale Direct mass detection : KATRIN Cosmology Neutrinoless double beta decay Raffelt’s talk, Verde’s Discussion

Neutrino mass : Direct methods

Majorana mass searchingobserved If observed : Neutrinos are Majorana Can we learn anything more ?

Positive signal ? 214 Bi  ? Klapdor et al (part of HM) 28.8 (6.9)  3-4  Bckg ~ 60 ev.

SN watch

Present Limits : Candidate Detector Present (eV) nucleus type (kg yr) T 1/2 0νββ (yr) 48 Ca >9.5*10 21 (76%CL) 76 Ge Ge diode ~30 >1.9*10 25 (90%CL) < Se >9.5*10 21 (90%CL) 100 Mo >5.5*10 22 (90%CL) 116 Cd >7.0*10 22 (90%CL) 128 Te TeO 2 cryo ~3 >1.1*10 23 (90%CL) 130 Te TeO 2 cryo ~3 >2.1*10 23 (90%CL) < Xe Xe scint ~10 >1.2*10 24 (90%CL) < Nd >1.2*10 21 (90%CL) 160 Gd >1.3*10 21 (90%CL)

Projected/proposed ExperimentNucleusDetector T 0 ν (y) eV CUORE 130 Te.77 t of TeO 2 bolometers (nat) 7 x EXO 136 Xe10 t Xe TPC + Ba tagging1 x Gertha 76 Ge1 t Ge diodes in LN1 x Majorana 76 Ge1 t Ge diodes4 x MOON 100 Mo34 t nat.Mo sheets/plastic sc. 1 x DCBA 150 Nd20 kg Nd-tracking2 x CAMEO 116 Cd1 t CdWO 4 in liquid scintillator > COBRA 116 Cd, 130 Te 10 kg of CdTe semiconductors 1 x Candles 48 CaTons of CaF 2 in liq. scint.1 x GSO 116 Cd2 t Gd 2 SiO 5 :Ce scint in liq scint 2 x Xmass 136 Xe1 t of liquid Xe3 x

nuclear matrix elements? Nuclear Physics methods : QRPA, SM Test QRPA : 20% variation Test SM ? Test QRPA-SM ? If positive signals : Test of models, but no model independent mass CC -nucleus interaction to measure many virtual transition in neutrinoless double beta Faessler et al, 2005 Volpe, 2005

From Osc. Data :

If no 0  If IH is correct, we need : a larger atmospheric neutrino exp. or a longer baseline in beam exp. Understanding of matrix elements (we don’t today) <0.01 eV sensitivity