Soapbox Derby Day Milnerton Primary School
Where? When? 19 th July 2013
What’s going to happen? Everybody Everybody will be racing around the track in a soapbox re-cycling We will be looking after nature by re-cycling empty 2 litre plastic bottles +
Lots of Competitions and lucky draws!!! BIG prizes!!! Lots of fun!!!
Grade 1-3 prizes 1 st prize Xbox with Kinect 2 nd prize PS Vita The most raffle tickets sold!! (T’s & C’s apply)
Grade 4-7 prizes 1 st prize Laptop 2 nd prize Blackberry The most raffle tickets sold!! (T’s & C’s apply)
On the BIG DAY A war cryA theme Push and ride
The class that completes the most rounds around the track Free meal at the Spur
The Teachers race Foundation Phase vs. Intermediate Phase!!
Parents race Whose parents are the BEST? Entry forms available Big prizes to be won
Lots to Eat and Drink Grade 7’s will be selling : Hotdogs/Boerewors rolls Pancakes with filling Vetkoek with filling Prefects will be selling cool- drinks and chocolates
Be part of it!!!