CP English IV
Beowulf is an Epic Poem that was written between the 8 th and 11th century by an unknown Anglo-Saxon. Set in Scandinavia, but was written in England. Written in Old English language. Involved a Germanic Tribe called the Geats.
What makes an Epic? The main character is a hero, who is often possessed of supernatural abilities or qualities. The hero is charged with a quest. The hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest. The presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions The hero’s travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering. The cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated. A resurrection. Restitution. Often this takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place on the throne. What Makes and Epic?
Qualities of an Epic Hero Super- human qualities Noble Birth Possess great bravery and intelligence. Suffers pain/dies a heroic death. Dominant Male figure Conquers evil They devote their lives to a god(s). Ancient Greek Myths (the Odes') Roman Myths (Aeneid) Anglo-Saxon (Beowulf) Indian mythology (the Ramayana ) Modern Superheroes/epics (Superman)
I. Beowulf: Protagonist/ Hero of the Story II. Grendal: Antagonist/ Monster/ Seed of Cain (evil). III. Hrothgar: Older Leader of the Danes/ Beowulf’s teacher. IV. Wiglaf: Kinsman of Beowulf/ only brave warrior that helps fight the dragon. I. Denmark and Geatland (now Southern Sweden): Land of the Danes. II. Heorot Hall (Mead hall): Battle between Grendal and Beowulf takes place here.
1. King Hrothgar and the Danes build a Mead hall called Heorot. 2. Grendal becomes angry and terrorizes the Danes. 3. Beowulf hears of the monster and travels to go save the Danes. 4. Three battles take place: First against Grendal, Second against Grendal’s mother, and Third against a dragon. 5. Beowulf dies a hero.
Beowulf arrives to Hrothgar’s kingdom and they gather at Heorot Mean hall to celebrate. Beowulf is taunted by a member of the crowd and begins to boast on all of his accomplishments. Grendal arrives and begins to fight Beowulf who is un- armed. Beowulf proves his strength and rips off Grendal’s arm. Grendal goes off to the swap and dies in failure. The Danes take the severed arm and hang it up in Heorot as a trophy.
Second Battle Grendal’s mother kills one of Hrothgar’s men for revenge. They go off to find her in the swamp. Beowulf kills her with a giant’s sword. He brings back the head of Grendal and gives it to Hrothgar as a gift. After Beowulf returns to Geatland to take over for Hygelac and rules for 50 years. A dragon is disturbed and Beowulf kills it in a final battle. He is bitten and dies from the poison. Final Battle
I. The Golden Torque: The necklace that Wealhtheow gave Beowulf symbolizes the bond between Beowulf and the Geats. II. The Banquet: The Banquet was a symbol of restoration of order and harmony for the Danes and Beowulf. III. Hero becomes King: Beowulf is the hero of this Epic. He shows all the qualities of an Epic Hero and ends up becoming king because of his victorious battles and wisdom. IV. Heroic Identity: Beowulf must retain heritage as well as well as his heroic identity to keep his kinship bonds. Symbols and Themes
It symbolizes the end of the Geatish people Shows the glory that the Geats won from Beowulf. Made Beowulf an Epic Hero (dies for people/ god(s)/etc). Ended as a confirmation to Beowulf and his virtue.
The End!