Superfast Leicestershire – programme update Matthew Kempson Broadband Project Manager, Leicestershire County Council
Overview - Superfast broadband deployment - Digital business support - Q&A
Increasing fibre coverage -LCC vision to ensure all Leicestershire premises can access SFBB speeds by end £28m contracts with BT (Investment partners includes BT, Government, Leicestershire County, LLEP, ERDF, district councils and Leicester City) -Will increase SFBB coverage from 75% to 95% of Leicestershire premises by end ,000 additional premises with access to fibre -City -First area deployed in July Currently at almost 55,000 premises -c.8,000 businesses with access to fibre -89% of premises can access >24Mbps -£2.2m investment for Leicester City
Collateral to boost demand Beermats, lamp-post signs, cabinet stickers
Increasing coverage – Final 5% Commercial deployment -E.g. BT, Virgin Media, Gigaclear and Warwicknet BT contract -Gainshare (£2m) and contract savings -Additional public investment, including district and Gov~t funding Community-led solutions -BT keen to work with communities -Alternative technologies, inc. wireless broadband Satellite -“Basic Broadband” commitment Connection Vouchers - Over 500 secured in Leicester and Leicestershire
Business benefits of digital -Key priority for Leicestershire County Council. Part of our wider economic strategy -SMEs on business parks, home-based businesses and ensure more effective working from home -£92m GVA in Leicestershire by end £20 economic growth for every £1 invested -Now your business can work faster and more efficiently -Work from home and download large files -Share assets and collaborate -High-quality video conferencing -Minimise expense of technology infrastructure (e.g. cloud) -Work from home – save time and money
Propeller Marketing, Old Dalby
-Specialist membership marketing company -Communication play a vital role in running their business effectively -Fibre broadband “makes out client communications so much easier as I can access teleconferencing, Skype, Good Hangouts; I just couldn’t use these platforms before” -File sharing is more effective and uploading to the cloud is much quicker. -“I also feel confident that I could expand the business into Europe. I’m much more comfortable face to face than talking over the phone and the technology and faster connection allows me to do that easily outside the UK” -“I can use VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), I use my mobile over wifi and I’ll be able to save on a separate business line. In the long term it will be more cost effective”
Digital Business Support ERDF digital business support project -Commissioned EMC’s eBusiness Club to deliver digital skills workshops, Google+ community, caser studies and a Technology Forum -Over 400 businesses supported (140 business assists). In excess of contracted target. -Keen to attend business events across Leicestershire (inc. LBF) -New EU funding programme (ERDF ) – business support, technology grants and connection vouchers. Led by EMC. “Idea to Enterprise” – Women in Broadband -£66,700 from Government to support women entrepreneurs to develop business skills and ideas and provide advice to people returning to work. -Delivery until end March Initial diagnostics events being held.
Contact details Please see us in the Broadband Zone #superfastleics