HD aka Wideband Audio G.722 codec/Wideband Audio: Expands spectrum for voice comms to approx Hz 64kbps bandwidth (same as G.711) G.722 supported on voice gateways, in CME, and by voice conferencing (MP) Phones re-designed specifically for wideband (new mics, housings etc) Cisco whitepaper available: ateral/voicesw/ps6788/phones/ps379/ ps8537/prod_white_paper0900aecd806 fa57a.html 150Hz 3.4KHz 7KHz G.711 G.722 8K samples 16K samples 300Hz Native wideband speaker and handset for optimal voice
Supported Products First deployed on the 7985: 09/2005 Has become a default offering on Cisco middle and high end endpoints. 7937G 7942G 7962G 7945G 7965G 7975G 7985G CIUS
Customer PoV Customers get the analogy of HDTV and WB audio. They also don’t see the value until they start using it regularly and then receive a NB call from the PSTN. Warmth, clarity Understandibility Less Fatigue