Official Travel All official travel must be authorized before your departure. Ask permission from your supervisor via and keep the (put on CC Hélène and Alexandra !every time!, Nuria if it is a training, Michele if it is an outreach activity) Fill the Travel authorization form As soon as your trip is authorized (and certainly, before your departure), you must record your absence (official dates) in EDH as “official travel”.
Travel authorization form dep/RF/Shared%20Documents/Duty%20travel %20autorisation%20form.pdf dep/RF/Shared%20Documents/Duty%20travel %20autorisation%20form.pdf
Reimbursement Keep the copy of approval obtained prior to travel (or invitation letter) Tickets and all boarding cards for travel Receipts / proof of purchase Attach approval to EDH document
Official vehicles All drivers of CERN vehicles must hold an authorization issued by CERN (
Job orders Available on EDH Travel in an official vehicle outside the permitted driving area Order Order Rental cars may be used if certain types of transport are unavailable or for official travel beginning in Geneva.