Using Registries to Promote Public Health
Immunization Registries: A Tool for School Nurses Linda C. Wolfe, RN President National Association of School Nurses
Today’s Objectives Role of the School Nurse in Immunization Compliance Benefits to Children Benefits to Schools Benefits to the Nation
Role of the School Nurse in Immunization Compliance Historical Present Future
School Nurse Role: Historical Communicable Disease Direct intervention Work with families GOAL: Children would enter the classroom healthy and ready to learn
School Nurse Role: Present Work directly with children, youth & families Health expert in the school Trusted individual in communities Strategically placed in the community to effect change Immunizations through the lifespan
School Nurse Role: Future Assuring that children enter the classroom (with virtual or brick walls) healthy and ready to learn.
NASN’s Position “The NASN supports the development of a national immunization registry.” November
Benefits to Children: Children Suffer Needlessly Put at risk for vaccine-preventable disease Denied school entry Increased stress with shot as age increases Lengthy process for school entry as immunization history is sought Repeated vaccination
Benefits to Children: Children Suffer Needlessly Untimely vaccination Decreased access to School Nurse Undocumented reactions to vaccines
Benefits to Schools: Focus on Learning Ease of school entry Easily obtainable, accurate records Reduced conflict/stress Tracking immunization needs Generation of appointment reminders Resources can be focused on education
Benefits to schools: Focus on Learning “We... Recognize the value of this program [immunization registry] for children and schools. The automatic printout of a student’s immunization status will promote greater accuracy of records and avoid duplication of immunizations.” Richard W. Riley former Secretary, Department of Education
Benefits to schools “This [national registry] will enable school officials to focus on other important health-related activities.” Richard W. Riley former Secretary, Department of Education March 2000
Benefits to the Nation Healthy children: Our Future Economic savings Support of families
A story worth telling State example: Delaware
Dreaming of the day... Child & guardian come to register for school - School Nurse pulls up immunization record from national registry - School Nurse identifies immunization status - School Nurse quickly gives shot or refers - School Nurse enters data ONE TIME - Child carries personal palm pilot!
8 years to go! “population-based immunization rates will be a cornerstone of the Nation’s immunization system by 2010” Healthy People 2010
Worth $5 a day?