Inventions that Shook the World Do You Use Modern Inventions in Everyday Life? Do You Use Modern Inventions in Everyday Life?
While there is life there is hope Пока человек жив, он надеетcя
Translate. 1. a couch potato 2. soaps beat 4. a spare minute 5. a mixture of 6. anywhere 7. to keep in touch 8. the motorway 9. to set the dial 10. a bit of technology 11. o defrost 12. to perform cleaning tasks 13. an applique 14. urgent messages 15. to do calculations
Open the brackets using Gerund or Participle I. 1. I don't enjoy (to eat) sweets because it's harmful for my teeth. 2. The water (to run) from the hill was clean. 3. Stop (to write) this silly letter! 4. What do you call in English the thing that we use for (to reheat) products. 5. We couldn't help (to laugh) at Eddie Murphy's acting. 6. The man (to sit) at the table was very pale and long-haired. 7. What products do you use for (to cook). 8. She feels like (to dance), it's her favourite music. 9. The pupils look forward to (to go) on excursion to Kolomenskoye. 10. Do you mind my (to smoke) here if I open the window?
Fill in anywhere / anyway / any time / anyhow. Fill in anywhere / anyway / any time / anyhow. 1. I need the medicine, but I can't find it __________. Can you help me ? 2. __________, he'll call us and learn about the time of the starting. 3. The doors are always open, so __________ can get into and take the book. 4. She could come __________ she wants. 5. The dog, __________ managed to get out of the barn and ran into the forest. 6. Well, I'm sick and tired! I want to get ___________ to be far from here. 7. Call __________ you want and I'll get you information from Internet. 8. He left home many years ago and lost __________. He's still missing. 9. The idea to invent telegraph occurred to many people __________. 10. I’d like to see you, __________.
Fill in can / be able to. Fill in can / be able to. 1. Tom has good technical education. He _______invent different things. 2.She hasn't _______sleep at night because of the mosquitos. 3. Sam might _______come tomorrow morning if nothing happens. 4.My Dad _______speak several foreign languages. 5.We were alone and _______do what we liked. 6. I used to _______draw well. 7. Are you _______talk to him in Spanish? 8. She spoke very fast and I _______understand a word. 9. He didn't want to visit her, but we were _______persuade him to do it. 10. My Granny looked tired because she _______sleep yester- day night.
Give synonyms. a customer _______ a salesperson_______ dull _______ seldom _______ to call _______ to buy _______
Translate. Translate. Я думаю, компьютер — величайшее изобретение и наиболее важная вещь в доме. Мы можем использовать его по-разному. Он помогает нам работать, учиться и развлекаться. Некоторые изобретения, например радиотелефон, менее важны. Мы не часто используем его. Я думаю, мы можем обойтись без него. Но компьютеры помогают нам, становясь телефонами, когда мы пользуемся электронной почтой или Интернетом.
Open the brackets. Madame Tussaud's Gallery (to be) _____the most unusual one among London attractions. For more than 200 years Madame Tussaud's (to be) ______enchanting and entertaining visitors by its exihibits, famous and infamous. Today over 2 mln people from all over the world (to visit) _____the exhibition each year, (to make) _____it one of the Britain's most popular museums. It (to be) _____still the most popular war exhibition in the world and _____(to become)synonymous with excellence. Madame Tussaud (to be born) _____in Strasbourg in 1761 and (to christen) _____Marie Grosholtz. Her father, a soldier (to kill) _____in the Seven Years War two months before her birth. Her mother moved to Bern and (to begin) working as a housekeeper for Dr Curtius, a physician who (to make) _____anatomical subjects in wax. He (to act) _____ as a tutor to Marie to help her in the techniques of wax portraiture and casting. Marie (to discover) _____she (to have) _____a talent for wax modelling of fine details of faces. Her first figures (to be) _____Francis Voltaire and American statesman Benjamin Franklin; both these figures still (to be) ______in display at Madame Tussaud's today. Besides, there are wax figures of the Royal family, American presidents, famous poets and writers, statesmen from other countries, film actors and sportsmen. There's also the exhibition of the most cruel world murderers (to call) _____"The Chamber of Horrors". You can also (to have) _____ a taxi ride through the English history, called "The Spirit of London".