Updated: April 2009 Human Geography Chapter 2b Basic Concepts Epidemiologic Transition England Other Countries Demographic Transition 100 200 300 400 500.


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Presentation transcript:

Updated: April 2009 Human Geography Chapter 2b Basic Concepts Epidemiologic Transition England Other Countries Demographic Transition GAME RULESFINAL ROUND

- Jeopardy - The total number of live births in a year for every thousand people Category A 100

- Jeopardy - What is crude birth rate (CBR)? Category A 100

- Jeopardy - The percentage by which a population grows in a year Category A 200

- Jeopardy - What is the natural increase rate (NIR)? Category A 200

- Jeopardy - The total number of deaths of infants under one year of age compared with the total live births. Category A 300

- Jeopardy - What is the infant mortality rate (IMR)? Category A 300

- Jeopardy - Doubling time Category A 400

- Jeopardy - What is the number of years it takes to double the population? Category A 400

- Jeopardy - The average number of children a woman will have throughout her child bearing years (age 15-49) Category A 500

- Jeopardy - What is the total fertility rate (TFR)? Category A 500

- Jeopardy - The crude death rate plummets and the crude birth rate remained high happening around 1750 with the industrial revolution Category B 100

- Jeopardy - What is stage 2 (the high growth rate) of the demographic transition ? Category B 100

- Jeopardy - The time when humans first began domesticating plants and animals Category B 200

- Jeopardy - What is the agricultural revolution? Category B 200

- Jeopardy - Very high birth and death rates with virtually no increase in population Category B 300

- Jeopardy - What is stage one of the demographic transition? Category B 300

- Jeopardy - A country in stage 4 of the demographic transition has an equal crude birth and death rate and the increase rate is zero Category B 400

- Jeopardy - What is zero population growth? Category B 400

- Jeopardy - How much would you like to bet? DAILY DOUBLE

- Jeopardy - Medical technology invented in Europe and North America is diffused to lDCs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America Category B 500

- Jeopardy - What is the medical revolution? Category B 500

- Jeopardy - In 1800 the crude birth rate was high, but the crude death rate had dropped beginning the industrial revolution Category C 100

- Jeopardy - What is stage 2 of the demographic transition model? Category C 100

- Jeopardy - In 1066 this group of people invaded England where the population was 1 million and the country remained in Stage 1 for 700 years Category C 200

- Jeopardy - What is the Norman invasion? Category C 200

- Jeopardy - How much would you like to bet? DAILY DOUBLE

- Jeopardy - England’s population drop in the year 1250 from 4 million to 2 million in 1350 Category C 300

- Jeopardy - Category C 300 What is the Black Death (bubonic plague) ?

- Jeopardy - The moderate growth rate from s where the crude birth and death rates remained roughly the same Category C 400

- Jeopardy - What is stage three of the demographic transition? Category C 400

- Jeopardy - Today England has many women in the work force and changes in lifestyles leading to smaller families Category C 500

- Jeopardy - What is Stage four (low growth rate) of the demographic transition model ? Category C 500

- Jeopardy - A collection of 12 Islands off the coast of West Africa that moved to stage two of the demographic transition in 1950 Category D 100

- Jeopardy - What is Cape Verde? Category D 100

- Jeopardy - This country had relatively the same demographic transition history as England and is currently a stage four country Category D 200

- Jeopardy - What is Demark? Category D 200

- Jeopardy - This Latin American country has been in stage three of the demographic transition since 1960 partly because of government family planning policies, high unemployment, and low income Category D 300

- Jeopardy - What is Chile? Category D 300

- Jeopardy - This stage four island country has a natural increase rate of zero and the total fertility rate is 1.3 with a huge increase of elderly people in the country Category D 400

- Jeopardy - What is Japan? Category D 400

- Jeopardy - The crude death rate on the island of Sri Lanka was aided by the use of an insecticide now banned in the U.S. Category D 500

- Jeopardy - What is DDT? Category D 500

- Jeopardy - He created an over lap map showing the victims of cholera in relation to the drinking water supply. Category E 100

- Jeopardy - Who is Dr. John Snow? Category E 100

- Jeopardy - The branch of science that is concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that affect a large number of people Category E 200

- Jeopardy - What is epidemiology? Category E 200

- Jeopardy - History’s most violent and famous stage 1 epidemic Category E 300

- Jeopardy - What is a the Black Plague? Category E 300

- Jeopardy - Place your bets! DAILY DOUBLE

- Jeopardy - The epidemiologist that formulated the epidemiological transition stage 1 and 2 theory DAILY DOUBLE

- Jeopardy - Who is Abdel Omran? Category E 400

- Jeopardy - A disease that occurs over a widespread geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population Category E 500

- Jeopardy - What is a pandemic? Category E 500

- Jeopardy - Welcome to Jeopardy! The fun and sneaky way to review material for the upcoming test!

- Jeopardy - And now… a brief introduction to the RULES of the GAME…

- Jeopardy - Each group must: a) SIT TOGETHER, and b) Designate a SPEAKER who will respond to the prompts (You may NOT change speakers).

- Jeopardy - The game consists of FIVE categories, each containing FIVE questions

- Jeopardy - Questions are randomly arranged, NOT by degree of difficulty

- Jeopardy - Each speaker may select only ONE question per round

- Jeopardy - Once the selected question is posted on the screen, the SPEAKER of the team has 10 seconds to respond.

- Jeopardy - The speaker may consult with teammates before responding

- Jeopardy - During the game, whispering is OK, but LOUD talking and/or disruptions DURING THE GAME may result in point loss for the entire team.

- Jeopardy - The response should be phrased in the FORM OF A QUESTION. (Words, phrases, and statements – even if correct – may be disqualified)

- Jeopardy - A CORRECT ANSWER earns the team the amount of points indicated on the jeopardy board.

- Jeopardy - If the speaker does not respond correctly within 10 seconds, the question passes on to the next team speaker, who has 5 seconds to respond.

- Jeopardy - The number of points for the correct answer at this stage are the same as for the previous team.

- Jeopardy - Questions that are not answered correctly by the selecting team are offered to the other teams in turn until a correct answer is given or all teams have guessed incorrectly.

- Jeopardy - For the Daily Double, the speaker designates the number of points – up to the max. points earned by the team. If correct, the team earns the designated points; if incorrect, they lose the designated points.

- Jeopardy - Again, whispering is OK, but remember, LOUD TALKING and/or DISRUPTIONS DURING THE GAME may result in point loss for the entire team.

- Jeopardy - The judge’s decisions are FINAL and whining, pouting, and/or complaints will NOT BE ENTERTAINED…

- Jeopardy - Ready to play?

- Jeopardy - Final Jeopardy Topic: epidemiology You may wager up to the amount of points your team has earned. Write your wager on a piece of paper and submit it.

Updated: April 2009 Final Jeopardy Question The Report of Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain written in 1842 by Edwin Chadwick discussed this pandemic

Updated: April 2009 Epidemiology What is a cholera?