6 stages of development that most families will follow The Family Life Cycle 6 stages of development that most families will follow
There are 6 stages of development that most families will follow Families will spend different amounts of time in each of the stages There are 6 stages of development that most families will follow
Stage One-The Couple Stage Couples will grow closer-they work together to establish a home and marriage relationship Stage One-The Couple Stage Couples will grow closer-they work together to establish a home and marriage relationship
Stage Two: The Expanding Stage Arrival of Children=beginning of parenthood. Couple prepares for and adjusts for parenthood
Stage Three The Developing Stage As children grow, parents work to meet the child’s changing needs. The focus of family is socializing and developing the independence of children
Stage Four-The Launching Stage Children gradually leave home to support themselves. Parents help their children adapt to life on their own. Events such as graduation signal a child’s independence
Stage Five: Middle Stage the couple renews their relationship and prepares for retirement. They may have time and money for special interests. If they had children who have left home, this is called the “empty nest” stage
Stage Six Retirement Stage The couple stops full time work and adjusts to having more free time. Life can be slower, but couples still enjoy each other’s company