White Tailed Deer
What are the physical characteristics? Size 3 feet tall at withers 5-6 feet in length Northern deer are larger Adult females weigh 100 pounds Adult males weigh 100-150 pounds Newborn fawns weigh 4-8 pounds Weight depends on region, habitat, age, season
What are the physical characteristics? Pelage and color Winter pelage: thick, grayish in color, short under fur with long guard hairs. Shed April-June Summer pelage: short thin, reddish in color. Shed August- September Fawn pelage: spotted for protection. In August-September, lose spots White markings around eyes, nose, throat, under belly and rump. Long white hairs under the tail, “white tailed deer”
What are the physical characteristics? Glands Preorbital gland: lower corner of eye, scent markings on rubs Tarsal gland: inner hock on rear legs. Scent marking on scrapes Metatarsal glad: outer rear legs, scent marking on bedding area, sense vibrations Interdigital glands: between toes, scent marking trails Forehead: below antler base, scent marking on rubs
What are the physical characteristics? Senses Vision Monocular Binocular Motion detection acute Peripheral vision Very good night vision Color blind Rarely look up Smell Critical for survival Warning, breeding activity, food and family group location
What are the physical characteristics? Hearing Acute hearing Antenna-like ears Investigate sounds Adapt to sounds Taste Similar to humans Touch Critical to fawn survival Stimulates doe receptivity
What are the physical characteristics? Skeletal System Prey animal adapted for running Gait is a mix of leaping and long strides Efficient runner and swimmer
What are the physical characteristics? Antlers Fastest growing tissue in animal kingdom True bone, grow directly from skull Velvet aids in growth. Growth period: May-August Velvet antlers sensitive 2 categories: Typical Non-typical
What are the physical characteristics? Scoring Systems Boone and Crockett Pope and Young Antler size depends on genetics, nutrition, and age Antler growth dependent on male hormone Antler hardens and velvet sheds in August Decrease hormone level after rut triggers antlers to “cast off”
What are the physical characteristics? Teeth No upper front teeth 32 teeth Used to determine age Average lifespand 2-3 years bucks, 4-6 years does
What are the physical characteristics? Digestive System Ruminants 4 chambered stomach Rumen Reticulum Omasum Abomasum Deer droppings Estimate age Locate bedding, feeding and trail areas Population census Stand location Current activity
What is the reproductive process of the white-tailed deer? Correlated to four seasons Summer Family groups of does and fawns Bachelor group of bucks Dominance established during summer non-violently
What is the reproductive process of the white-tailed deer? Fall Bachelor groups break up Three distinct phases Pre-rut Antlers harden, shed velvet Bucks make “rubs” Sparring matches Bucks eat less, spend time alone Does continue feeding Does ward off bucks
What is the reproductive process of the white-tailed deer? Rut Minnesota rut is mid October-December Triggered by “photoperiodism” Bucks neck enlarges Buck makes scrapes Buck very aggressive Doe indicates receptivity Several days of courting Does in estrous for 24-36 hours every 28 days
What is the reproductive process of the white-tailed deer? Post-rut Buck’s hormone level decreases Buck begins to eat heavily Antlers cast off
What is the reproductive process of the white-tailed deer? Winter Breeding activity ends Gestation is 187-212 days Deer regroup and “yard-up” Mortality
What is the reproductive process of the white-tailed deer? Spring Antler growth begins Fawns born May-June Does seeks solitude Twins/triplets in high quality habitat After birth, doe quickly cleans fawn Spring fawn mortality is high
What type of communication do white-tailed deer use? Stomping Scent glands Tail movements Tail wagging Tail flicking Tail flagging Vocalization Fawn bleat Doe bleat Bawl Doe snort Buck snort