Understanding Agriculture: New Directions for Education AGED 3203
Factoids /3 of population lived on a farm million lived on farms < 5% of high school students enroll in ag ed 75% of Ag Ed students are in FFA Over half of all ag teachers teach alone 35% of all programs are in 13 southern states Ag Ed attracts few minorities
Selected Sections Program content has failed to keep up w/ modern agriculture, the program is much like it was when the Voc Ed Act of 1963 was passed. % of ag programs were characterized as production. Current programs that have changed little, prepare students for a rather limited and generally shrinking part of the job market.
Selected Sections The organization name, symbols, contest, awards, and requirements for advancement are still largely geared toward production agriculture. Because the FFA influences Ag Ed so greatly, some changes within the FFA is needed. The curriculum should drive the youth organization, not the reverse.
Selected Sections High quality programs - extensive contact between teacher and student and a diversity of rewarding SAE opportunities. Good programs are expensive, poor programs tend to cost nearly as much or more on a per student basis. Some communities continue to support weak programs because of long standing commitments.
Recommendations Major revisions are needed within vo-ag. The quality of vocational agriculture programs must be enhanced, in some cases substantially. Establish specialized magnet high schools for the agricultural sciences in major urban and suburban areas. Teachers should seek out and share high-quality computer software and instructional methods.
Recommendations As a goal, all students enrolled in agricultural education programs should participate in worthwhile SAEs. The FFA should change its name and revise its symbols, rituals, contests, awards, and requirements for membership to reflect a more contemporary image of agriculture.
Recommendations Teachers should seek out and share high-quality computer software and instructional methods. As a goal, all students enrolled in agricultural education programs should participate in worthwhile SAEs. The FFA should change its name and revise its symbols, rituals, contests, awards, and requirements for membership to reflect a more contemporary image of agriculture.