United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Implementation of the 2008 SNA in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, South East Europe and Mongolia Group of Experts on National Accounts Geneva, April 2010 Presentation by UNECE Agenda item 1
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2April 2010 Overview 1. Introduction and background 2. Results of the 2010 Survey Progress and challenges with the 1993 SNA Improvement needs of basic statistics National strategies towards 2008 SNA Priorities in progress towards the 2008 SNA Ongoing technical assistance projects Requested assistance 3. Development of an implementation plan
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3April 2010 Introduction and background Recommendations of the UNSC UNSD -> regional implementation plans Regional advisory body Steering Group (SG) on National Accounts (incl. the Netherlands, Canada, Norway, the Russian Federation and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Eurostat, OECD, CIS-STAT, UNSD and IMF) Survey on SNA issues In Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, South East Europe and Mongolia
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4April 2010 Results of the survey - Progress and challenges with 1993 SNA Availability of GDP and main components
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5April 2010 Results of the survey – Progress and challenges with 1993 SNA Availability of main accounts and balance sheets * Only for the years 2000 and 2001.
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6April 2010 Results of the survey – Progress and challenges with 1993 SNA Measurement of financial services Constant price estimates and deflators Measuring the non-observed economy Institutional sectors and accounts Balance sheets Quarterly, financial and regional accounts Supply/use & Input/output tables The revised economic activity classification
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7April 2010 Results of the survey – Improvement needs of basic statistics Statistical framework, units, classifications Short-term statistics Statistics on services Price measurement, deflators International trade, FATS Social statistics Investment statistics Monetary and financial statistics
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8April 2010 Results of the survey – National strategies towards 2008 SNA Most of the countries have national plans for improvement of statistics and national accounts focusing on the 1993 SNA Some have started work towards 2008 SNA Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russian Federation Ukraine Croatia The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Guidance for national plans requested
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9April 2010 Results of the survey – Priorities in progress towards 2008 SNA Non-financial assets R & D, military expenditures, mineral exploration, land improvements, cultivated assets, ownership transfer Non-observed economy Informal sector and illegal activities Financial services Pension schemes and employee stock options Public sector Central banks and public/private/government The rest of the world Multi-territory enterprises, processing, merchanting
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 10April 2010 Results of the survey – Ongoing technical assistance projects Major players in the region: Technical Aid to the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS) The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and EU PHARE programmes Twinning projects carried out by EU and EFTA countries Projects of the World Bank and IMF UNECE and CIS-STAT
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 11April 2010 Results of the survey – Requested assistance Training workshops for the staff of NSOs (national, regional and international) Study visits to more developed statistical offices Region-specific manuals and guidelines Seminars for other producers of statistics On-the-job training
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 12April 2010 Development of an implementation plan Non-Financial Assets R&D, military CHALLENGESCHALLENGES National Accounts STATISICSSTATISICS Short-Term Statistics Output value, intermediate consumption Statistics on Services Prices, SBS, STS Prices & Costs Deflators, Labor Statistical Infrastructure Business register, statistical units, survey design, administrative data, classifications CORECORE BASEBASE International Trade Export and import, FATS Social Statistics Health, NGOs Investment Statistics Capital expenditure Financial Statistics FISIM, monetary Agriculture Statistics Informal and illegal sector Financial Services Stock options, pensions Government, Public Sector Public-private, central banks The rest of the world Globalisation Financial Instruments BASICBASIC 2008 SNA 1993 SNA NOEFISIM Institutional sectors Quarterly accounts Balance sheets Supply / Use Input / Output Financial accounts Regional accounts
UNECE Statistical Division Slide 13April 2010 Development of an implementation plan A draft plan developed by SG and UNECE on the basis of: Country survey 2010 Meeting recommendations ISWGNA guidance … covering: Main stages and timeframe Technical cooperation activities Methodological materials Approval of the Regional implementation plan by the UNECE countries and in consultation with ISWGNA Future reviews