What are the characteristics of “good writing”? What are the characteristics of “good writing”?
All good writing must have the following: FOCUS The topic or subject is clear, appropriate, and maintained throughout the paper.
All good writing must have the following: ORGANIZATION The writing has a clear beginning, middle, and end. The details are important and relevant to the main idea.
All good writing must have the following: SUPPORT AND ELABORATION The writing has enough details to convince the reader.
All good writing must have the following: STYLE The essay/letter is written to the correct audience. The words are appropriate and the sentences are well written.
All good writing must have the following: CONVENTIONS The writing has appropriate sentence formation, mechanics, and grammar. Standard verbs, pronouns, and grammar has been used correctly.
How can I write well? How can I write well?
Follow the Process!!!! Step 1- Brainstorm Step 2- Pre-write Step 3- Rough Draft Step 4- Edit Step 5- Revise Step 6- Final Draft (1)Create a word bank and use the 5WHow? Strategy.* (2) Create an outline. (3) Write your paper. (4) Check for spelling and punctuation errors. Pass your paper to a friend to check for problems. (5) Correct your paper. (6) Type the final copy of your paper. *Ask yourself Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? To create ideas for your paper!
What does a good paper look like? What does a good paper look like?
A good paper has 3 major parts!! Introduction: In this paragraph you should state the topic or why you are writing. You can also introduce your main ideas. Body: This section has 1 or more paragraphs. Each paragraph contains a main idea/topic sentence and details to support them. Conclusion: This is the last paragraph and it summarizes the paper.
What are the types of writing? What are the types of writing?
There are three major types of writing!!! Narrative: This type of writing is used to entertain the reader. Example: Funny essay. Persuasive: This type of writing is used to convince a reader to agree with the writer. Example - Advertisement. Expository: This type of writing is used to explain something or provide information. Example – News story, research paper.