Writing is a Process A first draft is not final You may need to write multiple drafts Allot time to revise and edit
Which is an example of revising? Which is an example of editing? Example 1 Example 2
What is Revising? Fixing the Organization/ Structure Cutting out unnecessary information Changing words to better explain your ideas Adding details and specific information Writing a strong hook
What is Editing? Grammar Capitalization Spelling Punctuation Indenting/ Page Breaks/ Citations
Revise example 1 /Edit example 2 Example 1 I believe that hiking is a super cool activity. When I am hiking, I feel good. I like green trees. Being surrounded by nature is awesome. I enjoy hiking because it makes me feel good and allows me to experience the beauty of nature. I especially enjoy being surrounded by green trees. Example 2 mary had a liddle lamb whoes flees where white as snow Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
Strategies for Revising Organization/ Relevance to thesis Reverse outline Analysis/ Relevance to thesis Examine paragraph purpose
Strategies for Editing Read out loud Print out your paper There, they’re, their Who’s, whose It’s, its Contractions