2015 English Indices of Deprivation – South Devon and Torbay CCG Contact: Torbay Public Health
Overview Background How is the model built? Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level deprivation Neighbourhood level deprivation Change overtime
Background It’s the governments official measure of multiple deprivation The Indices of Deprivation 2015 provide a set of relative measures of deprivation for small areas (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) across England, based on seven different domains The 2015 indices are the 4 th release at small area A range of summary measures are available for higher- level geographies including local authorities, local enterprise partnerships, and clinical commissioning groups
How is the model built? The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a weighted model across 7 domains Income and Employment contribute almost half (45%) of the overall model
There are 37 indicators that are used within overall IMD and the domains Most of the data is taken from 2012/13
SUMMARIES TWO LEVELS Neighbourhood (LSOA) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level The deprivation indices are published at different levels; the CCG level is presented first, followed by the neighbourhood…
How does South Devon & Torbay CCG compare? South Devon and Torbay CCG rank as: – 88 out of 209 Clinical Commissioning Group (Rank of 209) IMD - Rank of average rank Health Deprivation and Disability Lincolnshire East4951 Great Yarmouth and Waveney5259 ** South Devon and Torbay **8893 Wyre Forest96122 North East Essex9988 Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford North Derbyshire13298 South Worcestershire Fylde & Wyre14167 West Cheshire South Eastern Hampshire RightCare comparable CCGs
Relative CCG Position Interpreting the dials: The dial represents the 209 CCGs in England. The dial segments represent CCGs by decile. E.g. the red segments show the CCGs that rank amongst the 10% most deprived in England. The orange pin marks SD&T CCGs position. The grey pin marks Wyre Forest CCG position (RightCare comparator – nearest IMD neighbour).
Relative CCG Position
Neighbourhood level – CCG IMD Release Resident population in top 20% most deprived , , , ,100
Neighbourhood level - CCG IMD Release Resident population in top 20% most deprived , of 31 LSOAs across South Devon and Torbay in Top 20% most deprived are in Torbay
Areas in top 20% 31 (20) LSOAs 42,100 (15%) Average age SD&T = 41.6 years England = 35.5 years Lowest rank 219 (Roundham) 6 areas in top 1,000 Index of Multiple Deprivation
Income Deprivation Areas in top 20% 33 (22) LSOAs 49,500 (18%) Average age SD&T = 41.3 years England = 35.5 years Lowest rank 708 (Roundham) 2 areas in top 1,000
Employment Deprivation Areas in top 20% 44 (43) LSOAs 66,600 (24%) Average age SD&T = 43.1 years England = 36.5 years Lowest rank 233 (Roundham) 8 areas in top 1,000
Absolute v relative change There have been absolute improvements in some data, however faster and larger improvements have taken place elsewhere; e.g. Child poverty – absolute improvement, but relatively high levels remain Annual gross pay – absolute improvement, but relatively low compared to other areas Further examples are presented on the following slide…
Additional income and employment context (CCG) Rate of employment support allowance claimants (16-64 years) – support for people who are unable to work due to ill health or disability Source: Department of Work and Pensions, Nomis Rate of jobseekers allowance claimants (16-64 years) – support for people who are unemployed but looking for employment Source: Department of Work and Pensions, Nomis
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Median Annual pay – gross Workplace based GVA per head NUTS3 at current basic prices Proportion of resident population aged claiming Jobseeker's Allowance Source: ONS rd lowest in England Source: NOMIS Aug highest in Region Source: ONS table th lowest in England Insolvency statistics: Debt relief orders rate of new cases per 10,000 adult pop n Source: gov.uk highest rate in England Additional Income and Employment (Torbay)
Health Deprivation and Disability Areas in top 20% 35 (16) LSOAs 51,500 (19%) Average age SD&T = 42.7 years England = 36.8 years Lowest rank 613 (Tormohun) 3 areas in top 1,000
Underlying Health indicators
Education, Skills and Training Deprivation Areas in top 20% 19 (20) LSOAs Resident 27,600 (10%) Average age SD&T = 39.9 years England = 36.3 years Lowest rank 854 (Watcombe) 1 area in top 1,000
Crime Deprivation Areas in top 20% 28 (18) LSOAs 42,100 (15%) Average age SD&T = 42.3 years England = 35.6 years Lowest rank 19 (Wellswood) 7 areas in top 1,000
Barriers to Housing and Services Deprivation Areas in top 20% 23 (30) LSOAs 36,800 (14%) Average age SD&T = 45.8 years England = 37.8 years Lowest rank 168 (Moorland) 4 areas in top 1,000
Living Environment Deprivation Areas in top 20% 57 (53) LSOAs 88,500 (33%) Average age SD&T = England = 36.8 years Lowest rank 223 (Ellacombe) 13 areas in top 1,000
Areas in top 20% 28 (16) LSOAs 40,600 (15%) Average age SD&T = 40.8 years England = 35.2 years Lowest rank 1,076 (Watcombe) 0 areas in top 1,000 Income Deprivation Affecting Children
Areas in top 20% 25 (20) LSOAs 37,100 (14%) Average age SD&T = 40.4 years England = 34.6 years Lowest rank 1,128 (Watcombe) 0 areas in top 1,000 Income Deprivation Affecting Older People
Change in count of CCG LSOAs in top 20% most Deprived Interpreting the chart The darker circles represent the latest data; the lighter previous releases The numbers at the bottom of the chart represent the count of areas in the top 20% most deprived in South Devon and Torbay over time The red circles indicate what is driving the increase in multiple deprivation This shows that we have observed an increase in areas in top 20% most deprived
Widening inequalities in the CCG 2 communities that were ranked as in the 10+% to 20% most deprived in 2010 are now ranked in the top 10% most deprived in 2015 – these changes are shown in red ‘The poor are getting poorer’ 5 communities that were ranked as in the 60+% to 70% most deprived in 2010 are now ranked in the 70+% to 80% most deprived in 2015 – these changes are shown in green ‘The rich are getting richer’
Main Messages South Devon and Torbay CCG is generally about average in terms of relative deprivation. Increasing population living in top 20% most deprived – particularly in Torbay. Living environment, health and disability and employment deprivation are the biggest contributors to overall deprivation. There has been a widening gap in relative levels of deprivation across the communities of South Devon and Torbay.