Patti Duncan DEN Virtual Conference October 25, 2008
In the “Teacher Center” choose “More Tools”
Choose “Thematic Focus”
Discussion Guide MediaActivities
Lesson Plans for Different Grades Resources
Past themes are archived
Atlas Map Videos Related Materials Launch Atlas
“Today in History” Items for many different subjects… video clips attached
Choose 4 images at random or along a selected theme…
First student looks at slide #1 and “starts the story” Create a slide show with one image per slide, add a text box next to image
4 th student finishes the story based on the last image Next student adds to the story at slide #2 … third student writes based on slide #3
Search for songs by topic or grade level
Download a song and have students make a slide show of the lyrics… then have another team sing along with their song
Students search DES for famous person
Choose “Speech” from the options to further sort the results
Choose a speech they want to report about
Choose “speech transcript”speech transcript
Students write a “News Report” about the speech, including quotes or “sound bites” (from video clip) and record a podcast of the news report
Voicethread allows you to piece together video clips (like the ones that you get from DES), still pics, and voices into one project
Students download a video clip with closed captioning Students film themselves doing sign language to video
Students can watch a video clip in different classrooms and live blog about it…
Collaborating teachers create a blog page for the students Teachers choose a video and download it in their classrooms
“Lead” teacher sets up a Cover it Live session and embeds it into the blog At an agreed upon time… each teacher starts the video in their classroom… students log in to the CIL session on the blog
Use the “Assignment Builder” to create an assignment that can be done ANYWHERE
Use for: Substitute lessons Homebound students To share with other educators Students going on vacation! assignment link, post it on district calendar, or post it on your wiki or blog…blog…
Students can access assignment and work on it from home, or school
To…. And BEYOND….
DEN LC Institute Projects DEN National Institute Projects Matt Monjan’s “50 Ways” Preso