Arizona Department of Education Assessment – AZELLA December 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Arizona Department of Education Assessment – AZELLA December 2015 To Test or Not To Test Arizona Department of Education Assessment – AZELLA December 2015

Where Do I Start? Do you get overwhelmed when you are trying to determine whether or not a student at your school needs to be administered an AZELLA test? Do you get confused as to which AZELLA test your students need to take? To Test or Not To Test will provide you with a very brief overview of the Placement Test and the Reassessment Test. I will also review how to read a student’s SDELL70 Report in ADEConnect so that you are more confident in determining whether or not a student needs to be tested and with which test. Then, we will go through 10 different SDELL70 Reports and I will walk you through the process I use to make a decision about testing.

Placement Test - Basics AZELLA Placement Tests are for students who: are new to Arizona have 1 or more languages other than English (or American Sign Language) listed on the PHLOTE and/or school enrollment form This includes English plus another language listed for the same response. For example: English/Spanish or English/French or English/Navajo OR Students need to be administered an AZELLA Placement Test who are new to Arizona and have indicated 1 or more languages other than English or American Sign Language on their Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE) form or on their school enrollment form. This includes if the parents have stated English and another language as a response to a question. Or…

Placement Test - Basics AZELLA Placement Tests are for students who: no longer have an AZELLA test that makes them eligible for ELL services and do NOT have “SPED Withdrawal” listed under Most Recent ELL Program History which is dated AFTER last AZELLA test date Note: Contact The AZELLA Team if you have students who have never had an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient and the last AZELLA test record is dated prior to July 1, 2011. An AZELLA Placement Test is needed for students who have an AZELLA history but the most recent test record is too old and they haven’t been withdrawn from receiving ELL services due to Special Education criteria. Note: If you should have a student who has never had an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient and whose last AZELLA test record is dated prior to July 1, 2011, you will need to contact The AZELLA Team for further guidance.

Reassessment Test - Basics AZELLA Reassessment Tests are for students who: Have a less than Proficient AZELLA test record from current and/or previous fiscal year Have an ELL need and are not currently enrolled in an ELL program (SDELL73 – ELL Program 1) Have an ELL need and are currently enrolled in an ELL program (SDELL73 – ELL Program 2) Have been withdrawn from receiving ELL services by Parent Request (SDELL73 – ELL Program 4) The AZELLA Reassessment Test is for ELL students who have a less than Proficient test record and their SDELL70 – AZELLA Student Test History Report shows that they are eligible for ELL services. These students have an ELL need and may or may not be enrolled in a current ELL program. They may have been withdrawn from receiving ELL services by parent request. If you look on your SDELL73 Report – ELL Student Need Report in ADEConnect, these students will have an ELL Program code of 1, 2 or 4. The footnotes at the bottom of the report explains each ELL Program code.

AZELLA Student Test History Report SDELL70 Report The SDELL70 Report is the AZELLA Student History Report. I will walk you through each section of this report so that you have a better understanding of how to read it correctly.

SDELL70 Report ADEConnect Select AZELLA Corrections/SDELL Reports Where do you find all the SDELL Reports? You will find them inside of ADEConnect. To access the reports in ADEConnect, the AZELLA District Test Coordinator must have the role of AZELLA District Test Coordinator. All others may have the role of “ELL” in order to access these reports. Once you’ve logged into ADEConnect and selected the AZELLA Corrections/SDELL Reports link, the SDELL70 Report is the default which will show on your screen. You will notice there are 3 other SDELL Reports included but for this presentation we are only concentrating on the SDELL70 Report. You must have the student’s SAIS ID in order to pull-up a report. You may not have any blank spaces in the SAIS ID box either before or after the ID number. Be sure that you’ve clicked on the Acknowledgment box and the select the “ViewReport” button. It will take a few moments to pull up the report.

SDELL70 Report Here is an SDELL70 Report. Once the report is showing on your screen, you can verify that it is the correct report by the title in upper left corner.

Student Demographics SDELL70 Report SAIS ID Last Name, First Name, Middle Name Spacing or hyphens between 2 or more names Birth Date Grade Home Language Gender The first section of the report is the Student Demographics. This is where you view the SAIS ID, the student’s full name, date of birth, current grade level, his or her home language, and the gender of the student.

Assessment History SDELL70 Report Assessment Date Shown in chronological order – most recent on top Total Scale Score Overall Proficiency Level Proficient, Intermediate, Basic, Pre-Emergent/Emergent, Undetermined, blank Grade ELL Classification Eligible for ELL Services Not Eligible for ELL Services The second section is the Assessment History section. This is very important and where you will find much of the information you will need in determining whether or not a student needs an AZELLA test and which test, the Placement Test or the Reassessment Test. The assessment history is shown in chronological order beginning with the most current test record and the overall results. When making your determination of whether to administer an AZELLA test to a student, the Assessment Date, Overall Proficiency Level, and ELL Classification columns are critical pieces of information.

Most Recent Assessment Details SDELL70 Report Assessment Date Only shows the most recent data Assessment Type Sub-tests Scale Score Proficiency Level Proficient, Intermediate, Basic, Pre-Emergent/Emergent, blank The next section provides you with detailed results of the most current AZELLA test record. This is not the same as the Assessment History section where it lists multiple test records. This section will only provide the latest AZELLA test sub-test scores and proficiency level of each sub-test. The information in this section is data that the classroom teacher will find extremely beneficial, especially if students are on Individualized Language Learner Plans otherwise commonly known as ILLPs. This data allows teachers to prepare lessons based on strengths and weaknesses of a student’s English language acquisition skills. We will not be focusing on this section when determining if a student needs a Placement or Reassessment Test.

“Eligible” Test Record Date “…current or previous fiscal year.” July 1, 2014 - Today Current school year SY 2015-2016 Previous fiscal year SY 2014-2015 So, next school year (SY16-17) the eligible test record would be dated after July 1, 2015. One piece of information in determining whether a student is eligible to receive ELL services in the current school year. To be eligible to receive ELL services, the student’s most recent AZELLA test record must have a date that is within the current or previous fiscal year. For school year 2015-16, this means the test date needs to be between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2016. For the 2016-17 school year, when you look at an SDELL70 Report, this would be a test record dated after July 1, 2015.

Most Recent ELL Program History SDELL70 Report Date Shows program enrollment in chronological order with the most recent on top Type Most Recent ELL Program Most Recent Parent Withdrawal Most Recent SPED Withdrawal Blank Description Read the descriptions for helpful information The last section of the SDELL70 Report, and the most overlooked section, is the Most Recent ELL Program History section. This section provides the ELL program enrollments and exits for the student as reported to ADE by the district in chronological order with the MOST recent transaction listed first. As you view the report, you may need to scroll down the page in order to see this section. The Most Recent ELL Program History section, as you will see, when teamed with the Assessment History section, will determine whether or not a student needs to be administered an AZELLA test. There are 3 different program enrollments and exits which can be listed. I highly recommend that you become familiar with the descriptions. We’ll go over the program types next.

Program Descriptions Most Recent ELL Program This is the most recent ELL Program in which this student was placed. This student will need to be tested every spring with the AZELLA Reassessment until an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient is attained. Most Recent Parent Withdrawal This student is eligible for an ELL Program, but was withdrawn by parent request. This student will need to be tested every spring with the AZELLA Reassessment until an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient is attained. In the Most Recent ELL Program History section, the 3 different program enrollments and exits that you will see are: Most Recent ELL Program. This is indicating that the student has been enrolled in an ELL program and is receiving ELL services either in an SEI classroom or through an ILLP. It also indicates the student must be assessed annually with the Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test until the student attains an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient. Most Recent Parent Withdrawal. This indicates the student qualifies for an ELL program but that a parent has chosen that their child will not receive language services. Parents may opt out of receiving ELL services, but they may NOT opt out of having their child tested with an AZELLA. When you see that a student has been withdrawn from receiving ELL services by parent request, the student must be tested annually with the AZELLA Reassessment test until an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient is attained. Most Recent SPED Withdrawal. The name is confusing so let me clear this up for you. A SPED Withdrawal does not mean that the student has been withdrawn from receiving Special Education services, but rather, the IEP Team has determined that the student no longer has an English language acquisition need. The student’s language skills are comparable to a similar all English PHLOTE peer. So, in essence, the IEP Team is withdrawing the student from receiving ELL services because the student no longer has a language acquisition need. Once a student has been withdrawn from receiving ELL services due to Special Education criteria, the student is no longer an ELL student. Once the student is no longer an ELL student, he or she may not be administered the AZELLA Reassessment test and may only be administered an AZELLA Placement Test with a teacher or IEP team referral. Most Recent SPED Withdrawal This student was eligible and was participating in an ELL Program, but was Withdrawn due to SPED criteria. This student’s IEP Team determined that this student no longer has an English language acquisition need because his or her English language acquisition skills are comparable to his or her native English speaking peers. Students who have been withdrawn due to SPED criteria may not be tested on the AZELLA Reassessment, and must have a teacher referral for a new Placement Test.

SCENARIOS To Test or Not To Test OK, now reading an SDELL70 Report isn’t quite as fuzzy. We will go through 10 different SDELL70 Reports for real students, some are rather easy and some which are a little trickier to decipher. I will show you the process I use to review the reports so that you can learn how to read them as I do. I will be testing you on each report by asking you whether or not you think the student needs to be administered an AZELLA Placement Test and/or an AZELLA Reassessment Test.

5 Questions to Ask 5 Questions to ask as you review an SDELL70 Report Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? Here are my 5 essential questions that I go through each time I read a report. I highly suggest that you get into the habit of asking yourself these same questions each time you look at an SDELL70 Report. Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test attempt? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 1 We will start off with an easy one to get you warmed up. Let’s go through the 5 questions. Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? Yes What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 08/15/2014 (from the previous fiscal year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? No What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? There is no ELL program history because this student is Initially Fluent English Proficient What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? 08/15/2014 test record

Scenario #1 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, this student has an initial test with an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) Now that we know the answers to the 5 questions, let’s put them into context of whether or not this student should be administered an AZELLA test. Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has only 1 test record listed and the Overall Proficiency Level is Proficient, making this student an Initial Fluent English Proficient (or IFEP) student. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? No. This student is not an ELL student; therefore the student should not be administered any further AZELLA tests including the Reassessment test. Reassessment Test – No, this student is not an ELL student

Scenario 2 – Here are the 5 questions to consider when viewing a student’s SDELL70 Report. Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 2 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? No ELL program history

Scenario 2 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 08/31/2015 (from current school year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2015-16 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? There is no ELL program history listed What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? 08/31/2015 test record

Scenario #2 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, this student has an Eligible for ELL Services test record for the current school year (08/31/2015) Student needs to be enrolled in an ELL Program Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has a test record dated in the current school year. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Yes. The most current test record shows an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient and the student is eligible to receive ELL services. Reassessment Test – Yes, the test record has an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient

Scenario 3 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 3 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 02/23/2015 (from the previous fiscal year) What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 08/03/2015 (SY2015-16) ELL Program

Scenario 3 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No. What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 02/23/2015 (from the previous fiscal year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2015-16 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 08/03/2015 (SY2015-16) ELL Program What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario #3 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, student has a current and eligible test record Within previous fiscal year (02/23/2015) Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has a test record dated within the previous fiscal year. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Yes. The most current test record shows an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient and the student is eligible to receive ELL services. Reassessment Test – Yes, the test record has an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient

Extra Tidbit of Information Students who are administered an AZELLA Placement Test after December 31, 2015 (or current school year) will NOT participate in the Spring Reassessment Testing. For those students who you administer an AZELLA Placement Test after December 31st and score less than Proficient, do not participate in the Spring AZELLA Reassessment testing. Students who are administered the Placement Test from January 1st through the end of the school year, have a less than Proficient test, will have a qualifying test for ELL program enrollment this school year and next school year.

Scenario 4 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 4 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 01/25/2013 (older than current school year or previous fiscal year) What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 08/16/2012 (SY2012-13) ELL Program

Scenario 4 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 01/25/2013 (older than current school year or previous fiscal year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2013-14 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 08/16/2012 (SY2012-13) ELL Program What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? 01/25/2013 test record

Scenario #4 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – Yes, this student does not have a current and eligible test record and never scored Proficient Last test record is older than the previous fiscal year (01/25/2013) Reassessment Test – Maybe, if this student is administered a Placement Test before 01/01/2016 and scores less than Proficient than the student will participate with the Spring 2016 Reassessment Test Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? Yes. This student has never scored an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient and does not have a current and eligible test record that is dated between the previous fiscal year and today. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Maybe. The student will need to be administered the Spring Reassessment Test depending on if the student scores less than Proficient on the Placement test and when the student took the Placement test.

Scenario 5 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 5 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 01/29/2013 (older than current school year or previous fiscal year) What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 03/24/2010 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services

Scenario 5 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test attempt? 01/29/2013 (older than current school year or previous fiscal year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2012-13 and 2013-14 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 03/24/2010 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? 01/29/2013 test record

Scenario #5 Test or Not Test? Placement Test – Yes, student does not have a current and eligible test record and never scored Proficient Last test record is older than the previous fiscal year (01/29/2013) Parents may NOT opt out AZELLA testing, only ELL program services Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? Yes. This student has never scored an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient and does not have a current and eligible test record that is dated between the previous fiscal year and today. The student shows the Most Recent ELL Program to be a Parent Withdrawal. Parents may withdraw their child from ELL services but may not opt their child out of AZELLA testing. You do NOT need parent permission to test the student with an AZELLA test. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Maybe. The student will need to be administered the Spring Reassessment Test depending on if the student scores less than Proficient on the Placement test and when the student took the Placement test. Reassessment Test – Maybe, if this student is administered a Placement Test before 01/01/2016 and scores less than Proficient than the student will participate with the Spring 2016 Reassessment Test

Scenario 6 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 6 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 03/02/2015 (from previous fiscal year) What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 05/27/2015 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services

Scenario 6 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No. What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 03/02/2015 (from previous fiscal year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2015-16 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 05/27/2015 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario #6 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, student has a current and eligible test record and never scored Proficient Within previous fiscal year (3/02/2015) Reassessment Test – Yes, the test record has an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient Students who have been withdrawn by parent request will need to be tested every spring with the AZELLA Reassessment until an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient is attained Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has a test record dated within the previous fiscal year. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Yes. The most current test record shows an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient. The student shows the Most Recent ELL Program to be a Parent Withdrawal. Parents may withdraw their child from ELL services but may not opt their child out of AZELLA testing. You do NOT need parent permission to test the student with an AZELLA test.

Scenario 7 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 7 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 09/14/2015 (from current school year) What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 02/03/2015 Withdrawal from ELL services due to SPED criteria

Scenario 7 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 09/14/2015 (from current school year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2015-16 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 02/03/2015 Withdrawal from ELL services due to SPED criteria

Scenario 7 What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? 09/14/2015 test record Due to the 09/14/2015 AZELLA test record occurring after the withdrawal from ELL services due to SPED criteria, the SPED Withdrawal is no longer valid. This student is now considered an ELL student and is eligible for an ELL program for school year 2015-16.

Scenario #7 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, student has a current and eligible test record (09/14/2015) Reassessment Test – the test record has an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient The 09/14/2015 test record has voided the 02/03/2015 SPED Withdrawal Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has a test record dated within the previous fiscal year. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Yes. The most current activity on the student’s SDELL70 Report is the 09/14/2015 test record. This test voided the 02/03/2015 SPED Withdrawal.

Scenario 8 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 8 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 02/25/2014 (older than current school year or previous fiscal year) What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 01/29/2015 Withdrawal from ELL services due to SPED criteria

Scenario 8 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? No What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 02/25/2014 (older than current school year or previous fiscal year) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2014-15 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 01/29/2015 Withdrawal from ELL services due to SPED criteria What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario #8 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, the most current transaction on the report is a SPED Withdrawal There is no AZELLA testing after a SPED Withdrawal without a Teacher Referral Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. The MOST RECENT transaction on this report is the SPED withdrawal; therefore the student is not an ELL student and does not require an AZELLA test. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? No. This student is not currently an ELL student. Reassessment Test – No, this student is not an ELL student

Scenario 9 This SDELL70 Report is a little more complicated. We will peel back the layers on this one. Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 9 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? Yes What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 03/03/2015 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 08/19/2015 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services

Scenario 9 Let’s start to understand this report by looking at what happened right before the Proficient test record. Layer 1: (1) Let’s start by looking at what the oldest activity in the ELL Program History section is. 08/23/2010 Withdrawal from ELL services due to SPED criteria (2) What test record occurred BEFORE the SPED Withdrawal? 03/24/2010 less than Proficient Beginning here, I know that the student had an eligible test record for ELL services for school year 2010-11. Once school year 2010-11 began, the student was withdrawn from ELL services due to SPED criteria. Once a student is withdrawn from receiving ELL services due to SPED criteria, the student is no longer an ELL student and is not permitted to participate in the Spring Reassessment testing. A Teacher Referral is required for a Placement Test. Now let’s keep seeing what happened to the student’s record.

Scenario 9 Layer 2: (3) Here is where we see the Proficient test record from 03/23/2011 which occurred after the SPED Withdrawal. This student scored an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient and was reclassified. (4) Due to this 03/23/2011 test record, the 08/23/2010 SPED Withdrawal became void. But, there are more activities on this student’s record, so onto Layer 3.

Scenario 9 Layer 3: For school year 2011-12, this student is designated as a Fluent English Proficient (FEP) student in his or her 1st of 2 required years of monitoring. During SY 2011-12, the AZELLA Reassessment test was used for monitoring the FEP students. (5) 03/07/2012 – AZELLA Reassessment test for FEP1. Is the student eligible for ELL services? No During SY 2012-13, the AZELLA Reassessment test was used for monitoring the FEP students. (6) 02/05/2013 – AZELLA Reassessment test for FEP2. Yes for SY2013-14 Was the student enrolled in an ELL program for SY2013-14? No. It doesn’t look like the student was enrolled in an ELL program for SY2013-2014, or at least we are not able to determine this from this SDELL70 Report. Enrollment in an ELL program because of during FEP monitoring years when student had a less than Proficient test record We will continue reading this report on the next slide.

Scenario 9 Layer 4: This is now school year 2013-2014. The student has completed the required 2 years of monitoring. (7) 02/13/2014 AZELLA Reassessment test record that is less than Proficient. Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2014-2015 Was the student enrolled in an ELL program for SY2014-15? No. It doesn’t look like the student was enrolled in an ELL program for SY2013-2014, or at least we are not able to determine this from this SDELL70 Report. There is still more test record and program enrollments to review on the next slide.

Scenario 9 Layer 5: This is now school year 2014-2015. The student is not enrolled in an ELL program. (8) 03/03/2015 AZELLA Reassessment test record that is less than Proficient. Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes for SY2015-2016 Now we move into school year 2015-2016. What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? (8) 03/03/2015 (from previous fiscal year) Yes for SY2015-16 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? (9) 08/10/2015 enrolled in an ELL program (10) 08/19/2015 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report? 08/19/2015 Parent Withdrawal from ELL services

Scenario #9 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, student has a current and eligible test record Within previous fiscal year (3/03/2015) Reassessment Test – Yes, the test record has an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient Students who have been withdrawn by parent request will need to be tested every spring with the AZELLA Reassessment until an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient is attained Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has a test record dated within the previous fiscal year. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? Yes. The most current test record shows an Overall Proficiency Level of less than Proficient and enrolled back into an ELL program after a Proficient score. The student shows the Most Recent ELL Program to be a Parent Withdrawal. Parents may withdraw their child from ELL services but may not opt their child out of AZELLA testing. You do NOT need parent permission to test the student with an AZELLA test.

Scenario 10 This is our last scenario. It has a few layers as well. Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? Is the student eligible for ELL services? What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? What is the most current activity (test record or program enrollment history) listed on the report?

Scenario 10 Has this student ever scored Proficient in the Overall Proficiency Level section? Yes, twice. What is the most recent completed AZELLA test record? 02/08/2013 What is the Most Recent ELL Program History enrollment? 08/06/2012 (SY2012-13) ELL Program services

Scenario 10 Layer 1: Let’s start with the 1st Proficient test record because I can see that there was not any ELL program enrollments prior to the Proficient test record. (1) 04/04/2011 Proficient test record and reclassified Is the student eligible for ELL services? No (SY2011-12) For school year 2011-12, this student is designated as a Fluent English Proficient (FEP) student in his or her 1st of 2 required years of monitoring. During SY 2011-12, the AZELLA Reassessment test was used for monitoring the FEP students. (2) 03/01/2012 – AZELLA Reassessment test for FEP1 was less than Proficient. Yes (SY2012-13)

Scenario 10 Layer 2: This is school year 2012-2013. (2) Is the student eligible for ELL services? Yes (SY2012-13) (3) 08/06/2012 ELL program enrollment This student is designated as an ELL student and because he or she was placed into an ELL program, the Proficient test record is now void.

Scenario 10 Layer 3: ELL program enrollment for SY2012-13 (4) 02/08/2013 Reassessment test record - Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient and reclassified Is the student eligible for ELL services? No (SY2013-14) Now let’s talk about what happened after the Proficient test. School Year 2013-2014 For school year 2013-14, this student is designated as a Fluent English Proficient (FEP) student in his or her 1st of 2 required years of monitoring. Note: During SY 2013-14, the AZELLA Reassessment test was optional to use for monitoring FEP students. Was the student administered an AZELLA test as a monitoring tool during SY 2013-14? No test record for SY2013-2014 No for SY2014-15 because the last test record is Proficient Was the student enrolled in an ELL program for SY2013-14? No School Year 2014-2015 For school year 2014-15, this student is designated as a Fluent English Proficient (FEP) student in his or her 2nd of 2 required years of monitoring. Note: During SY 2014-15, the AZELLA Reassessment test was not allowed to be used for monitoring FEP students.

Scenario #10 Test or Not Test? Placement Test ? Reassessment Test ? Placement Test – No, this student has an Overall Proficiency Level of Proficient (02/08/2013) This student has not been tested since 02/08/2013 This student has not been enrolled in an ELL Program since the last test record date Test or Not Test? Should you administer a Placement Test to this student? No. This student has a Proficient test record dated February 8, 2013. This student has not been tested again since this test nor has the student been enrolled in an ELL program since the Proficient test record. Does this student need an AZELLA Reassessment Test? No. This student is not an ELL student. Reassessment Test – No, this student is not an ELL student

Still Unsure? SAIS ID xxxxxxxx – Your School District (Entity #) I have only reviewed 10 different student report scenarios with you. There are many others scenarios and some which are very unique. Please do not hesitate to ask the AZELLA Team whether or not a specific student needs to be tested with an AZELLA test. We would rather you ask us about a specific student then to test a student “just because” you think the student might need an AZELLA test. Email us at When sending us a request, please include either the student’s SAIS ID, if you know it, or else provide us with the student’s full name and birthdate. For FERPA reasons, please do not include all 3 pieces of student identification – SAIS ID, name, and date of birth unless it’s in an attachment to the email. AZELLA Team, Send an email to The AZELLA Team if you are unsure of whether or not to test a student. Please include only (for FERPA reasons): Student’s SAIS ID OR Student’s full name and date of birth

Questions? Questions about AZELLA test administration The AZELLA Team – Brenda Wright – 602.542.5233 Questions about ELL Programs OELAS– 602.542.3975 Questions about Accountability Accountability– Tammy McKeown – 602.542.4265 The AZELLA Team can assist you with AZELLA Test Administration questions. Any questions about ELL programs should be addressed to the Office of English Language Acquisition Services (OELAS). Your Accountability questions can be sent to Tammy McKeown from Accountability. If you are unsure what type of question you have, you can send it to any of the 3 Units and we can reroute it to whoever will be able to provide you with the most accurate response.