Kathy Tieu Focused Inquiry
PhD in rhetoric & technical communication Professor of English at Purdue University Works include: ◦ An Untamed State (2014) ◦ Short Stories ◦ Ayiti (2011) ◦ Nonfiction essays ◦ Best American Mystery Stories (2014) Team Peeta
What do we hunger for? ◦ Strength ◦ Survival ◦ Dominance Suzanne Collins ◦ The Hunger Games ◦ Catching Fire ◦ Mockingjay
…But she did not care. Why didn’t she? ◦ Representation of woman’s strength ◦ Pop culture ◦ Strength & endurance ◦ Suffering & survival Audience relates to life’s struggles ◦ Intimacy draws attention from teenaged readers
“Distorted portrayals of what life is” (Gurdon 158) Damage, brutality, & loss Reflection of teen fiction Maturity to completely understand the science behind The Hunger Games Course & Unit Goals ◦ Cause & Effect, multimodal techniques Movie, Book Series, Fan Fiction, etc. Feminism – Wonder Woman
Analysis of the trilogy allows for further understanding of troubling issues ◦ Governmental power ◦ Societal values ◦ Emotional distress ◦ Family & sacrifice Deprivation of necessities affects people to this current day ◦ Food & water ◦ Shelter ◦ Medical care
In an imperfect world, Roxane Gay’s analysis, “What We Hunger For,” broadens the audience’s perspective on current issues and allows for more focused inquiries behind the literature of “The Hunger Games” trilogy.
May the odds be ever in your favor” ◦ Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games)
Focused Inquiry – True Stories. Narrative & Understanding. Literature. Gay, Roxane. What We Hunger For Collins, S. (2008). The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press. Newspaper Article from ProQuest (The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Wall Street Journal. The Hunger Games Image. content/uploads/2015/06/ _BG1.jpg. content/uploads/2015/06/ _BG1.jpg