Academic Vocabulary August 31-Sept.4
Infer When Tamia got in the car that evening with her mother and seen the angry look on her face she could infer perhaps Mrs. Fridie called her at work and told her how she’d been eating in class and as a result received two steps. Definition, part of speech, and create your own sentence.
Summarize After Jose finished reading his library book, The Hunger Games, he found it hard to summarize to his friends what happened in the book because so much happened.
Decipher Mrs. Fridie often found it difficult to decipher what Dakota had written on his assignments because he had such sloppy handwriting.
Sequence When learning a new recipe I typically follow the ingredients in the sequence that they appear. I follow the ingredients in order, so that I can make the food as good as planned.
Chronological When I re-told my story to the principal about how I’d lost my lunch money, I had to be certain to tell it chronologically so they’d be able to find where I lost it.
Compare Typically people compare my younger sister and I because apparently we look very much alike. However, most compare my older and younger sisters to each other when it comes to attitude.
Contrast I often find it difficult to contrast identical twins, it usually takes me years to be capable of spotting differences among them.
Cause The guy was very sleepy when he got on the road to go to work and as a result merged into another car’s lane and caused a car accident.
Descriptive When trying to explain to her mom who’d been bullying her, she had to be descriptive so she’d be able to help the teacher pick the right person.
Effect All mistakes in life effect someone, whether it’s a family member, friend, enemy, or stranger.
Classify When writing a research paper over different findings I have with projects, I classify the information so that I can construct a well organized paper.