4 The Present Grammar Revision: Present simple and Present continuous Extension: State and action verbs Vocabulary Types of music, books and films OBJECTIV.


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Presentation transcript:

4 The Present Grammar Revision: Present simple and Present continuous Extension: State and action verbs Vocabulary Types of music, books and films OBJECTIV ES PRESENTATION 1 Look at the photo. What can you say about this person just by looking at the photo? How old is he? Where does he come from? Anything else about him? Listen to people talking about Patrick. Match texts 1-6 with the speakers. sister friend mother band member father girlfriend We both belong to a rock band. He’s the drummer. Listen! That’s him. He’s playing the drums now. We’re doing really well these days – we’re getting quite popular. It’s funny, we never call him Patrick. He’s just Paddy to us. Unfortunately, I don’t see him very much now but we often each other. We’re really interested in football. I come from Ireland and my wife’s 3 English – I think Paddy’s very proud to have some Irish blood in him! 1 2 Paddy’s five years older than me. 4 He hates the music I listen to and he doesn’t like my friends, but he’s OK. I’m really proud of Patrick. He comes home to visit us quite often. In fact, he’s staying here at the moment because it’s the Christmas holidays. 5 He’s studying at London University. He’s romantic and he often sends me flowers, but he’s very busy and he’s always late for our dates these days. 6

5 The Present 3 Read the texts about Patrick and answer the questions. 1Name two of Paddy’s interests. 2Where are his parents from? 3Where is he living in this period? 4Does he often see his old friends? 5How are Paddy and his sister different? 6What two activities is he doing in this period? 4 Match statements 1-5 with definitions a-e. 1We often each other. 2He’s staying with us at the moment. 3We’re getting quite popular these days. 4I come from Ireland. 5Listen! He’s playing the drums now. a a fact that doesn’t change b a routine or a habit c something that’s temporary d something that’s changing e something that’s happening now 5 Underline the correct alternative. 1He isn’t watching / doesn’t watch a match now. He’s in the library. 2Paddy often watches / is often watching football matches with his friends. 3Do you work / Are you working now? 4My English is getting / gets a lot better. 5I spend / am spending more time with my girlfriend these days. 6I don’t study / ’m not studying very hard this term. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the Present simple or continuous. spend go phone not play not see become 1Paddy to bed very late at the moment. 2He more time with the band these days. 3He his girlfriend very often. 4Paddy’s band well-known in this period. 5His parents him every week. 6Paddy the drums now. 7 Answer the questions using the ideas below. Then interview your partner. classical jazz techno hip-hop reggae rock soul pop heavy metal science fiction crime fantasy horror short story detective story classic YouYour partner 1 What sort of music do you usually listen to? I usually listen to … Roberto likes … 2 What bands are you listening to these days? 3 What sort of books/ films do you like? 4 What are you reading at the moment? Present simple and Present continuous We use the Present simple for routines/habits and facts that don’t change. We often each other. I come from Ireland. Time expressions: never, sometimes, usually, regularly, often, always. We use the Present continuous for things happening now, temporary situations and changing situations. He’s playing the drums now. He’s staying with us at the moment. We’re getting quite popular these days. Time expressions: at the moment, these days, now, this term/year. Remember: to make questions and negative sentences in the Present simple we use the auxiliary verb do. Do you come from Ireland? I don’t come from Ireland. GRAMMAR REVISION p. 4

6 Woody Allen GRAMMAR EXTENSION State and action verbs We usually only use simple tenses with state verbs. These verbs express feelings, opinions, perceptions, possessions, stable characteristics. I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals. I’m a vegetarian because I plants. A. Whitney Brown 4 You know, it’s not that I’m afraid to die. I just don’t to be there when it happens! 3 Whenever people with me I always think I must be wrong. Oscar Wilde 2 PRESENTATION Read and complete the quotations with the verbs below. Then listen and check. agree hate understand want I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I. Confucius 1 I believe you. I hate music. We need help. NOT I’m believing you. NOT I’m hating music. NOT We’re needing help. We use simple and continuous tenses with action verbs. I often eat fruit.= I’m eating an apple now. I go home at lunchtime. = I’m going home now. p. 4 9 Which of the verbs below are state verbs? Tick ( ✔ ). love like know see be play think work drink own speak belong prefer understand make