The Effects of Weather on Polyurethane Tracks Presenters Chris Martinkat Stockmeier Urethanes Paul Nagle Nagle Athletic Surfaces
Presentation Format Part 1: Weather effects on polyurethane materials and the installation process Part 2: How weather conditions effect the performance of completed Polyurethane track surfaces.
Basic Chemistry Isocyante: – Also known as diisocyanate, B-component or ISO side, Isocyanates are organic compounds with reactive, functional isocyanate (NCO) groups. Polyols: Also known as A-component or POLY side, polyols are medium to high molecular weight organic compounds that are terminated by reactive hydroxyl (OH) groups.
Polyurethane Types Single Component/Moisture Cure: Two Component
Single Component /Moisture Cure Crosslink from a liquid state into a tough, durable solid state. This is achieved by reaction of the reactive isocyanate groups (NCO) with ambient or supplied moisture. Single component systems are typically used when the polyurethane is to be used as a binder, adhesive, encapsulant or thin coating. Due to the fact that single component systems must be applied in a thin layer for complete exposure to moisture for reaction, these materials are not suited for applications that require a fuller depth thickness.
Single Component Polyurethane Products Base Mat Binder Structural Spray Varnishes
Polyurethane Track Systems Utilizing Single Component Polyurethane 1. Base Mat 2. Base Mat/Structural Spray 3. Base Mat/Seal/Structural Spray 4. Sandwich System (Base Mat only)
Weather factors that affect the installation of single component Polyurethane Temperature Humidity Precipitation Wind speed and direction (Spray Coatings)
Single Component Base Mat Binder Temperature Heat Speeds up cure/decreases pot life Harder to trowel seams /shorter runs Decreases liquid viscosity Can effect mixing settings for continuous mixing
Single Component Base Mat Binder Temperature Cold Slows down cure /Increases Pot life Increases liquid viscosity Can effect mixing settings for continuous mixing Batch mixing may take longer
Single Component Base Mat Binder Humidity High Humidity Speeds up cure/decreases pot life Harder to trowel seams /shorter runs with paver
Single Component Base Mat Binder Humidity Low Humidity Slows down cure/increases pot life Easier to trowel seams /longer runs May cause scheduling issues/project delays
Single Component Base Mat Binder Precipitation Prior to installation substrate surface must be 100% dry. While installing stop immediately After installation completed but not yet cured. Material will cure quickly due to moisture. Top surface may micro foam
Single Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Temperature Heat Speeds up cure/decreases pot life Decreases liquid viscosity Will effect spray ability of material. Machinery will push more material in a shorter time. May have to adjust volume and air on equipment Watch for rubber particle settling out.(Structural Spray)
Single Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Temperature Cold slows down cure/increases pot life increase liquid viscosity Will effect spray ability of material. Machinery will push less material in a longer time. May have to adjust volume and air on equipment
Single Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Humidity High Humidity Speeds up Cure May cause micro foaming at the surface.
Single Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Humidity Low Humidity Slows down cure May cause scheduling issues/project delays
Single Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Wind Due to the atomization of the liquids during the spraying process, single component spray coatings become airborne. They can travel causing collateral damage to adjacent facilities/cars etc. Wind may cause a decreased application rate on the surface jeopardizing the integrity of the track system.
Two Component The isocyanate and polyol components are formulated to a specific mix ratio to allow complete reaction of the isocyanate (NCO) group with the polyol hydroxyl (OH) group. The isocyanate and polyol components are packaged as ready to mix components. Both components must be uniformly mixed for correct and complete reaction. Due to the fact that the reaction takes place between the mixed components, two component polyurethanes are typically used for the production of elastomers, sealants, coatings or materials that require a fuller depth thickness. Two-component systems can also be used for thin layer applications.
Two Component Polyurethane Products Full Pour Polyurethane Materials Pore sealers Varnishes
Polyurethane Track Systems Utilizing Two Component Polyurethane Full Pour Track Systems Sandwich Track Systems (Top surface only) Seal and Spray Systems (Pore Sealer only)
Weather factors that affect the installation of two component Polyurethane Temperature Humidity Precipitation
Two Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Temperature Heat Speeds up gel time Decreases Viscosity Effects mixing /continuous mixing Squeegeeing of material (Material gets loose) Thinner material sprays faster
Two Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Temperature Cold Slows down gel time Increases Viscosity Effects mixing /continuous mixing Application of material (gauge rake lines fill slower) If spraying will spray slower
Two Component Base Mat Binder Humidity High Humidity /Dew Can cause sticky or tacky surface
Two Component Base Mat Binder Humidity Low Humidity No affect on materials.
Two Component Base Mat Binder Precipitation Prior to installation substrate surface must be 100% dry. While installing stop immediately Two components may not react causing a product that is partially or not cured. This may lead to complete removal down to the asphalt/concrete substrate. After installation completed but not yet cured. Two components may not fully react causing effected areas to be partially or not cured. This may lead to complete removal down to the asphalt/concrete substrate.
Two Component Structural Spray Binder or Varnish Due to the atomization of the liquids during the spraying process, single component spray coatings become airborne. They can travel causing collateral damage to adjacent facilities/cars etc. Wind may cause a decreased application rate on the surface jeopardizing the integrity of the track system.
Installation Tips Water is the enemy Humidity Precipitation Know your weather/watch the radar Polyurethane packaging Keep water out of your containers Use drum covers Make sure tote are properly sealed Rubber Keep it dry
Installation Tips Watch for moisture in the substrate Watch for moisture in your base mat Watch you wind speeds and direction with spraying
Weather and polyurethane track performance Part 2: How weather conditions effect the performance of completed Polyurethane track surfaces.
Effects of UV / Color Fading Both single component and two component systems are available in aromatic and aliphatic type chemistries. Aromatic systems are predominantly used due to cost but will display a “yellowing” or “ambering” effect over time with exposure to UV from sunlight. This discoloration is a result of oxidation of the aromatic isocyanates used in the system/s. The yellowing effect tends to be magnified when using urethanes of vibrant color or when used in tandem with rubber granules of lighter or more vibrant shades. The discoloration of aromatic systems is purely aesthetic with no corresponding detrimental impact on mechanical properties. Typically, the resulting discoloration is greatly reduced over time. Aliphatic isocyanates will not discolor over time due to the fact that they do not oxidize with exposure to UV and are used when true, 100% color fastness is required.
Effects of Temperature on Force Reduction Temperatures from 32 degrees F to 68 degrees Fahrenheit can expect an increase in force reduction of approximately 16%-18% Temperatures from 68 degrees F to 122 degrees Fahrenheit can expect an increase in force reduction of approximately 5%-7%
Effects of Wetness on Surface Friction The EN 13036-4 test method (Pendulum test) conducts the friction test at 23 degrees C with an amplitude of 2 degrees up or down under both dry and wet conditions. The value for a dry surface is supposed to be between 80 to 110; for a wet surface it is 55 to 110. The average dry value for this system is 83, where the average value under wet conditions drops to 58. Not surprisingly the wet surface provides less friction and is hence more slippery than a dry one. This behavior shows across the board for all types of surfaces along the spectrum.