The Devil The powerful enemy of God and Believers who seeks to destroy your life, ministry, and testimony The World The dominant world system under the influence of Satan. It seeks to mold your thinking and behavior The Flesh The old nature inside you that generates or encourages sinful thoughts, words, and actions
1._________ Controls the world system (1 John 5:19) 2. This world system ______________ and will ____________ you as it did Christ (John 15:18-20) 3. The voices and attractions of the world seek to ____________________ spiritual life and interests (Matthew 13:7,22) 4. This world system pressures you to ___________ to its ungodly worldview and lifestyle (Romans 12:2) Satan hates persecute choke out conform
The world is influencing you! Don’t let it sidetrack you (2 Timothy 4:10) Evolution
► It has the desire and ability to sin (to leave God out of life) ► It corrupts my desires, thoughts, and decision process ► It wars daily with my new nature Jeremiah 17:9 Ephesians 4:18 Matthew 15:19 Romans 1: Timothy 4:2 Romans 8:5-9
● Satan is thoroughly evil ● Satan seeks to destroy you ● Satan knows your weaknesses ● Satan can influence your thoughts (1 John 3:8; John 8:44) (Luke 22:31; 1Peter 5:8) √ Through persecution (Revelation 2:13) √ Through temptation (1 Thessalonians 3:5) √ Through spiritual control (Acts 5:3) √ Through those he controls (Matthew 16:23) (Ephesians 4:27; Revelation 12:10) (Acts 5:3) You can resist the devil! (James 4:7)
James 1:13-15 Temptation by itself is not sin (Hebrews 4:15) Saying “yes” to the temptation is sin! (James 1:15) Sin is conceived! Say “no” to sin
Be accountable 1. Avoid or remove the sources of temptation 2. Renew your mind 3. Take every thought captive 4. Do not give Satan a foothold 5. Confess sin immediately (Matthew 18:8-9) (Psalm 119:9,11) (2 Corinthians 10:5) (Ephesians 4:27) (1 John 1:9) The Prescription to Overcome Temptation and Sin God always provides a way of escape!