Alphabet and Animal Rap Thanks for Professor Playtime Video Series
Angry alligators always ask for apples. Alice the alligator
Bouncing bears buy brown bananas. Bruno the bear
Cute calves catch colds. Carol the calf
Dirty dogs dig down deep. Donald the dog
Enormous elephants eat eggs. Ernie the elephant
Frightful frogs fry french fries. Freddy the frog
Greedy goats graze on green grass. Gareth the goat
Hungry hippo having hiccups. Helen the hippo
Insects inside icy ingloos. Ian the insect
Lions love learning lessons. Laura the lion
Menacing monkeys munch the moon. Michael the monkey
Nice nightingales never nibble nets. Nina the nightingale
Obedient ostriches often oblige. Olly the ostrich
Pink pigs proudly prance. Paula the pig
Quiet quails question queens. Quincy the quail
Roving rabbits run in rain. Rita the rabbit
Snakes sip sickly syrup. Sammy the snake
Ten tall tigers tickling toes. Tina the tiger
Ugly unicorns use umbrellas. Ursula the unicorn
Venomous vipers visit villages. Victor the viper
Wild wolves worry witches. Wilma the wolf
Excited foxes play on boxes. Xavier the fox
Yuppy yellowhammers yearn for yellow yogurts. Yolanda the yellowhammer
Zealous zebras zigzag in zoo. Zak the zebra