We are on our way to school. When we got there we hung out with friends for a little while.
Then the bell rang. So we went to class. To find out that we had to take a test.
We were all devastated. Who wants to take a test?
The bell rang we were all happy. So I went to my locker.
As I opened my locker I remembered that my library books were over due. So I grabbed them.
I walked into the library. I returned my books back in.
After I checked my books back in they said that I had to put them back where they belonged. So I looked for the place where the books are supposed to be.
I placed my books back on the shelf. Then I left for Art Class.
I walked into the classroom. The teacher said that we had to look at other ’ s paintings then start on ours.
We all started to paint. I painted a picture of a red witch on a broom.
In the end two students got A ’ s. One was my painting of the witch.The other person drew a picture of a house.
After the bell rang, I went out to the hall way. Someone graffiti tagged the wall, but the bad thing was that that person blamed it on me!
I was scared because I had never gotten in enough trouble to go the principle's office before. I walked into to the room barely breathing.
The principle asked me why I had done it. I told him that I didn ’ t do it because I had been in art class. So he called my art teacher and asked him. I had been innocent all this time.
Before I knew it the bell rang. So I had to go to P.E.
When I got there we had to play basketball or walk for 30 minutes. Then the bell rang so I went home.