OBJECTIVES OF DISSERTATION: To demonstrate ability to identify a problem. To formulate clear objectives. To design a feasible methodology to research into the problem. To produce a document useful to the practice of FM in Nigeria. PhD vs. Fellowship
Major Outline Summary Introduction Literature Review Materials and Method Results Discussion Conclusions and Recommendations References Appendices.
The Summary Length should be between words (1 – 1½ pages). To stand at the head of the text proper rather than be in the preliminary pages The summary begins page 1 of the dissertation.
The Summary 5-6 short paragraphs containing: Background to the study, including the statement of the problem Objectives of the study. Materials and Method Key findings (Main Results) Conclusions and Recommendations.
Chapter 1: Introduction Main sub-headings: 1.Background/Introduction 2.Statement of the problem. 3.Aim & Objectives 4.Justification for the study.
Chapter 1: Introduction Background or Introduction to the study Overview of the topic Define the nature and magnitude of the problem that was studied Define terms and concepts that are relevant to the study.
Introduction Explain the aim & objectives of the study. Pose the research question your study will answer Justification: Explain why you have undertaken the study, and describe why the problem is relevant to Family Medicine in Nigeria.
A note on the Aim & Objectives: AIM: (General Objective or Goal). A broad statement of what you hope to achieve at the end of the study. It is the end- result of the study. Objectives: (Specific Objectives): Indicate how you will attain the Aim/Goal. State things you will do to achieve the goal.
AIM & OBJECTIVES A good study should have Only 1 Aim, but can have Several objectives.
AIM & OBJECTIVES THE AIM: must reflect the subject or topic being studied. Objectives: must be “SMART.” -Specific. -Measurable. -Achievable. -Realistic. -Time-limited (within a specified time limit).
Chapter 2: Literature review Should address what is known about the topic in relation to the research question Review available published studies on your study subject. From general/global, to regional and local studies. Good blend of local and International journals. Should be mainly published journal articles, rather than textbook. Certainly not “The Sun” etc. (newspapers).
Literature review Do not cite studies that were cited in other studies, if you did not read the original work. Note all sides of the arguments, including those that favour or disagree with your assumptions. Critique the studies – don’t just cite references. Proffer suggestions for any differences in different research outcomes Show what knowledge gap your study will fill
Chapter 3: Materials and Method 1.Study site: Describe the environment or location where study will be conducted. 2.Define the study population. 3.Describe the study design 4.Define the sample size and explain how it was arrived at. 5.Define selection criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria)
Materials and Method 6. Sampling method - Explain how the participants were recruited. 7. Study protocol - Explain the method/instrument s of data collection, including any tools or instruments that were used. 8. Method of data analysis, and the statistical tests or tools used. 9. Ethical considerations should be explained. 10. Appendices - Copy of the questionnaire, work sheet and consent form.
Chapter 4: Results State period & duration of the study. Results are usually presented as – Text – Tables – Figures (Charts or diagrams) Decide on which of these to use: No need to use both Tables and Figures to present the same data. Results must reflect all the study objectives.
Tables Present the details of what you found Units of measurements should be indicated Give titles for your Tables & Figures Avoid too many Tables or Figures
Figures They make dramatic impressions of what was found Should be used to help the reader understand the results Label all axes Simplify graphs as much as possible
Chapter 5: Discussion Summarize the major findings in first paragraph Do not repeat data in the Results Compare your results with relevant previous work Discuss important similarities & differences b/w your work and other studies. Explain what you think accounts for them Avoid preferential citing of literature to suit your conclusion.
Discussion Discuss the clinical and scientific implications of your findings State how scientific understanding has progressed as a result of your work Show the relevance of your findings to Family Medicine specialty
Chapter 6: Conclusions & Recommendations. Summarize the main conclusions. These must come directly from the results. Explain the limitations encountered during the study, and how they affected the study or outcomes. Make key recommendations based on the conclusions, including areas for further research. NB: Chapters 5 & 6 can be combined as one.
References Should be at least 50 Use The Vancouver System of referencing References should be cited sequentially as they are cited in the text using Arabic numerals Quote only references you have read personally Insert appendices at the end of the book.
Final presentation of the book. See Residents’ Handbook. Arrangement of pages Layout of the pages – margins, spacing. Number of pages Grammar, spellings, style.