Equity and Inclusion Working Group RENCP General Assembly By Vincent MURENZI 30 th October Tel
Updates from recent WG activities Workshops: L3 Plus development of training modules involved a number of partners from the education sector with expertise in disability and inclusive/SNE (many are official members of the E&I WG) The development of a national IE teacher’s guide, IE teacher training manual and the SNE tool kit involved different members of the E&I WG. The launch of the national IE Task Force involved different members of the E&I WG; The development of a specific curriculum for learners with intellectual disabilities in Musanze is involving members of the E&I WG). The activity is underway.
Updates from recent WG activities Joint support to PwDs: - Identification, referral & support services for 100 PwDs in Gatsibo and Bugesera districts; - Issue of 788 wheelchairs and 11,186 shoes in 20 districts of Rwanda; Campaigns: Sensitization of local authorities in Gatsibo district. In total, 886 people were sensitized on rights to education for children with disabilities.
Updates from recent WG activities Field Visits: Members of the E&I WG monitored the enrollment and drop out rates of CWDs in 12 YBE and special schools in Gasabo, Gatsibo, Gakenke, Ngororero and Nyaruguru districts.
Successes New documents for guiding inclusive pedagogical practices in schools are developed; A national IE Task Force to support the implementation of the new curriculum is put in place; IE is permeating the new competence-based curriculum as a cross-cutting issue.
Critical issues Children with disabilities are still out of school in our local communities! There is need to continue awareness raising and teacher training for effective disability inclusion in education.
Outstanding issue Dissemination of the IE policy by MINEDUC. Dissemination of a regional assessment report on the education of children with disabilities (including Rwanda) by UNICEF.
Next Quarter WG Key Activities Support MINEDUC/REB to train teachers on the new competence-based curriculum and inclusive education; Development of L3 + and resource centres in Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe districts; Development of a specific curriculum for children with intellectual disabilities, a national IE teacher’s guide and teacher training manual. Provision of assistive devices.