“I have been told not to do any more art or music in my classroom until the students’ scores on the OAKS math tests go up.” ~ 3 rd Grade Teacher
LEVERAGING EDUCATIONAL POLICIES TO PROVIDE EQUAL ACCESS OF THE ARTS TO CHILDREN NAfME 2014 Dr. Amy Belcastro, Southern Oregon University Dr. Vicki Purslow, University of Phoenix
Purpose of the study is to investigate: If arts-related assemblies are used to teach the Common Core, 21 st Century Skills or Oregon Arts Standards If music education opportunities were reduced because of the constraints on instructional time. Ways in which arts organizations can have increased access to schools.
Common Core Standards English Language Arts Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Mathematics
The 5 C’s of “21 st Century Skills” CollaborationCreativityCommunication Critical ThinkingCross-cultural
Oregon Art Standards Create, present and perform Aesthetics and criticism Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Reframe the institutional structures of Student and Academic Affairs Create a cohesive institutional plan to change policy; and move policy to practice Four related dimensions/data points: Institutional Context, Student Demographic and Academic Data, Student Perspective, Student Learning Challenge assumptions of what is supporting and hindering student success. Social justice inquiry of traditionally under-served populations Mixed Method Design and Recursive analysis Strategic Communication of Findings Change Policies and Practices Inclusive Model (Belcastro, A., 2012) 7
Guiding Analysis Questions What is the current state? What is needed? What is getting in the way? What recommendations would support increased arts education in the school?
Demographic Data of Public Schools Principal Surveys Teacher Focus Groups Arts Organizations Focus Groups
Findings and Recommendations Relationships,Marketing Challenges Professional Development Intentional Plan
Relationships Identify other Power Brokers PTA/PTO Between Arts Organizations Principals
Marketing Assembly Materials Alignment to Common Core and 21 st Skills One Stop Shop Alignment to School Assembly Goals
Professional Development for Arts Organization Goals and Standards Curriculum Design LogisticsPedagogy
“Teachers and students have much to cover each day within State, District, and School standards. Anything that can help a teacher enrich the curriculum while keeping up with timelines is very useful.” “Regrettably, time does not allow us to bring in additional teacher curriculum, no matter how worthy we regard the experience.”
Professional Development for Principals and Teachers Common Core and 21 st Century Skills Leader and Advocate Student retention and success Art Standards
“We are double dosing our students in both math and English every day. I see first through fifth graders in tears and wanting to quit school. We have lost the heart and fun. Only the most skilled teachers know how to do both.”
Professional Development Class for Teacher: Integrating Performance Art and the CCSS. As a part of a Professional Learning Community of school leaders for the inclusion of arts in the curriculum, teachers will: Familiarity with the CCSS, P21st Century Skill, OR Arts Standards and NAfME Standards; Learn the cognitive, social and emotional benefits of the arts; Integrate the standards around big ideas Attend one live music and theatre event Design standard based curricular units that connect live performing arts to the curriculum. Learn how to make a case to school leaders for the inclusion of arts in the curriculum documenting connections to the various standards.
RelationshipsMarketing Opportunities Professional Development Intentional Plan
LEVERAGING EDUCATIONAL POLICIES TO PROVIDE EQUAL ACCESS OF THE ARTS TO CHILDREN Dr. Amy Belcastro, Southern Oregon University Dr. Vicki Purslow, University of Phoenix