Bailouts will hurt the overall economy Protect victim’s rights, end prohibition, get tough on real crime, protect the right to self defense, address the root causes of the crime Adapt the immigration law to allow immigrants better passageway to America rather than fighting illegal immigration End welfare, establish a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for contributions to private charity, tear down barriers to entrepreneurism and economic growth, reform education Should be able to opt out of Social Security and invest your money in your own personal retirement account Cut taxes so that you keep what you earn
- based on a set of comprehensive beliefs Libertarians believe that being free and independent is a great way to live. We want a system which encourages all people to choose what they want from life; that lets them live, love, work, play, and dream their own way.
7 total staff members Have over 250,000 registered voters Active in all 50 states Executive Director – Carla Howell
Began with a small group of activists in Colorado Became the 3 rd largest political party Founded December 11, 1971 in the home of David Nolan They hoped to create an alternative to old parties
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What do we find Interesting? That the libertarians believe in them governing themselves as much as possible rather than having an elected, and possibly corrupt, official doing the decision making for them. That the libertarians believe in them governing themselves as much as possible rather than having an elected, and possibly corrupt, official doing the decision making for them.