Positive Effects of Parental Involvement By: Sharon Clabby
Idea What if I identified students in need of academic improvement and invited their parents to volunteer at the school for one quarter?
Thoughts I think the academic achievement of those students would go up. I think the academic achievement of those students would go up. I think parental feelings about school would improve. I think parental feelings about school would improve. I think discussions about school between the parents and the child would be more positive and beneficial. I think discussions about school between the parents and the child would be more positive and beneficial.
Okay, prove it. After one trip to the library... After one trip to the library...
Still trying to prove it... After a second trip to the library... After a second trip to the library...
Third Trip—Ebscohost, my HERO!
What more can a girl ask for... Seventeen sources and three personal communications later... Seventeen sources and three personal communications later...
Concepts to Consider SES SES Gender Gender Race Race Benefits Benefits
What’s the Plan? To hide in bed until May... To hide in bed until May... No work to do here~
No really, what do the experts say? SES SES Socio-economic status has a great deal to do with parental involvement. Socio-economic status has a great deal to do with parental involvement. Parental Experience Parental Experience Comfort Level Comfort Level Education Level and Understanding of Options Education Level and Understanding of Options
No really, what do the experts say? Gender Gender Parents may influence their children inadvertently. Parents may influence their children inadvertently. Boys get chemistry sets Boys get chemistry sets Girls get books Girls get books Girls discuss more Girls discuss more Boys are more hands on Boys are more hands on
No really, what do the experts say? Race Race Great influence on language, culture, and even teacher expectation, all of which affect parental involvement. Great influence on language, culture, and even teacher expectation, all of which affect parental involvement. Different strategies have proven more effective for different races. Different strategies have proven more effective for different races. African-American African-American Asian Asian Caucasian Caucasian Latino Latino
No really, what do the experts say? Benefits Benefits More confidence, fun, excitement in learning, better leadership skills, more likely to earn advanced degrees More confidence, fun, excitement in learning, better leadership skills, more likely to earn advanced degrees
Methods Pre-test Pre-test Parental/Student Attitudes toward the School Parental/Student Attitudes toward the School Parental/Student Attitudes toward Schooling Parental/Student Attitudes toward Schooling Goals for the Future Goals for the Future Post-test Post-test Parental/Student Attitudes toward the School Parental/Student Attitudes toward the School Parental/Student Attitudes toward Schooling Parental/Student Attitudes toward Schooling Goals for the Future Goals for the Future
Intervention Parental Involvement Parental Involvement Direct Volunteering at the school site two days a week Direct Volunteering at the school site two days a week
Measurement In class assessments: In class assessments: Tests Tests Quizzes Quizzes Class Projects Class Projects Papers Papers Reading Assignments Reading Assignments Homework Homework
Limitations Only seventh grade, language arts students whose parents can volunteer in the school; Only seventh grade, language arts students whose parents can volunteer in the school; No secondary effect will not be studied. No secondary effect will not be studied. Rather small sample when compared to the number of students attending school Rather small sample when compared to the number of students attending school Will not address how learning disabilities, reading problems, or mathematical issues impact student achievement. Will not address how learning disabilities, reading problems, or mathematical issues impact student achievement.
S-U-C-C-E-S-S Will the experiment work... research seems to say it will. Will the experiment work... research seems to say it will.
Now... No work to do here~