Public Hearing April 23, 2013
Case:CDR Project:Project ABC Planned Development/ Land Use Plan (PD/LUP) Substantial Change Applicant:Jim Hall District:4 Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Project ABC PD/LUP to increase the office/industrial land use within a ~9.53 portion of PD Northeast Quadrant/Tract 8B only, from 80,000 square feet to 120,000 square feet. Project ABC PD/LUP
Zoning Project ABC PD/LUP
Future Land Use Future Land Use Project ABC PD/LUP
PD Land Use Plan Project ABC PD/LUP
Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Substantial Change to the Project ABC PD/LUP dated “Received February 11, 2013,” subject to the five (5) conditions in the staff report. Project ABC PD/LUP
Case:LUP Project:Orlando Health and Rehab PD Applicant:Jeremiah D. Owens District:3 Request: R-1AA (Single-Family Dwelling District) to PD (Planned Development District) Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
Proposed Use: The applicant has requested to rezone the subject property from R-1AA (Single-Family Dwelling District) to PD (Planned Development District) to allow for the following uses: Parcel A: 420-bed skilled nursing facility with related ancillary facilities (primary structure built in 1962) Parcels B and C: 72 senior adult housing/multi-family units and related ancillary facilities (majority of Parcel C to be used for stormwater) Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
New Condition Language CONDITION 16(a) Within one-hundred and twenty (120) days of Orange County Board of County Commissioner’s approval of the Orlando Health & Rehab PD, the Orlando Health & Rehabilitation Center (OHR) will make a one-time contribution of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to the Lake Holden Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU) to be used for water quality improvements of Lake Holden within Sub-basin 20. This commitment is intended to address any pollution abatement issues for the existing facilities on Parcel A and no additional pollution abatement for the existing facilities on Parcel A will be required in connection with the development of Parcels B and/or C of this PD project. Any new facilities on Parcels A, B and/or C shall be reviewed and permitted in accordance with the applicable stormwater standards in effect at the time of such permitting. Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
New Condition Language CONDITION 16(b) Within five (5) years of Orange County Board of County Commissioner’s approval of the Orlando Health & Rehab PD, the Orlando Health & Rehabilitation Center (OHR) shall conduct a Best Management Practices (BMPs) analysis to minimize offsite discharges of untreated runoff within the limits of Parcel A; prepare a report; and implement the report recommendations. Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
New Condition CONDITION 19 The landscaping hedge on Parcel A along Lee Street that is located on the interior side of the black aluminum fence constructed pursuant to Building Permit No. B was 30 inches tall at the time of platning and shall attain six feet in height and full capacity within three years from the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners of this PD rezoning. Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
New Condition CONDITION 20 The existing vehicular connection to Lee Street shall be permanently closed and gated prior to the completion of the proposed Parcel A parking improvements and used for emergency access only. Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
Zoning Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
Future Land Use Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
Aerial Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
PD Land Use Plan Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Orlando Health and Rehab PD Land Use Plan dated “Received November 28, 2012”. Orlando Health and Rehab PD/LUP
Public Hearing April 23, 2013