By: Ashley Williams
They live in Australia Some live in rocky places Some live in deserts or hot rainy forests
Have long tails for balance They have big hind feet for bounding They are beige or brown Are 150 pounds and 6 feet tall
Travel in groups called mobs which feed together but don’t spend the day together Long tail to help it spring forward and sit upright Small hands are used to comb fur and pick up food nocturnal which means they hunt at night Are fast to get away from prey
Eat grass Are herbivores The main predator of kangaroos are dingoes
There are about 50 members of a kangaroo family The biggest are the red kangaroos and the gray kangaroos Kangaroos hop to the speed 40 miles per hour They can jump nine feet high
Farmers shot kangaroos Hunters were free to shot nearly 4 million kangaroos in 1989 Some species of kangaroos are pests to farmers The government decides how many kangaroos can be killed
Serventy, Vincent. Kangaroos. Stone, Lynn M. Kangaroos.