Spring Regional Meeting 2015
People First Language Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.”
Welcome! Project – Interim – BESE Approval of LSU Contract – Thank you for a successful Jan. 22 PD Event!
Mentor Districts Mentor districts will be hosting events throughout the year; all districts will be invited to attend East Carroll Vermilion Calcasieu Livingston
*Hard copy in your folder *Reminder to check calendar *Monthly s will still be sent
SPDG Day is now Tuesday April 21, 2015 at Lod Cook (LSU)
Webinar Wednesday Topics Each district has a set of Webinar Wednesday Flyers in their manila district folder DateTimeFocus AreaTopicWebinar URL 2/410:00 am Data Based Decisions Triangulating of Data to Measure Implementation of SPDG Focus Areas 2/1110:00 am Culturally Responsive Practices Addressing Discipline: Data, Polices & Practices 2/2510:00 amInclusive Practices Keeping it all Together: The Importance of Using Student Data Binders for Students with Disabilities 3/410:00 amFamily Engagement Connecting the Dots: Linking Family Engagement to Student Learning
Reminder All resources from today can be found at – ABOUT US- REGIONAL MEETING
Networking/Collaboration Activity Whole group discussion LEA Share Out
Toni Bennett Inclusive Practices
Collaborative Lunch
Toni Bennett Inclusive Practices
Focus Area Culturally Responsive Practices Family Engagement
Culturally Responsive Practices
Addressing Discipline: Data, Polices & Practices Each district has a set of the draft copy of this guide in their manila district folder
The purpose of this guidebook is to assist educators in: interpreting and analyzing student population behavior data, determining the root causes of referrals, suspensions and/or expulsions, developing an action plan for systemic change to prevent high rates of suspensions/expulsions from recurring.
Addressing Discipline: Data, Polices & Practices Guide Book Completed by District Teams, Administrators, and Teachers Components – Data Discovery Chart – Guiding Questions-Policy – Guiding Questions-Practices – Action Plan Resource Book Policies Tools
Family Engagement
Data & Budget
Budget Review Reimbursements should be submitted on a quarterly basis, due on or before: – October 3, 2014 – January 2, 2015 – April 3, 2015 – June 30, 2015 Revisions-submitted to prior to
SPP Indicator 5 Educational Environment – (Placement) setting where SWD are served – SPP 5a - Inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (General Education Placement) – SPP 5c - Inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Self-Contained Placement)
Proposed SPP Target for Indicator 5 Review LEA Placement DATA
Other Proposed Indicator Targets
Budget Review Plan
Consultants Documentation – Agenda – Sign in Sheets – Evaluations (Knowledge and Skills) – Submit to project staff If there is a change in consultants, please let us know ASAP
As your review your budgets, consider: Consultants Topics/Focus Area Dates/Times/Locations
Building Capacity When you leave today, what will you do with this information? How will you share it with others in your district? When will you share it? (Timeline)
Please complete an evaluation- Safe Travels! See you April 21, 2015 at SPDG Day