Pulmonary Pathology I Case 2 37 year-old woman, 1 day postpartum with dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and swollen calf.
Identify the organ, structures Describe the gross morphologic changes Diagnosis?
Pulmonary Embolus The arrow points to an embolus extending through the branches of a pulmonary artery.
Identify the organ, structures Describe the gross morphologic changes Diagnosis?
Pulmonary Embolus/Infarct The embolus (arrow) lies in an opened pulmonary artery. The hemorrhagic infarct (*) is subpleural.
Identify the organ Describe the gross morphologic changes Diagnosis?
Pulmonary Infarct Recent, small hemorrhagic pulmonary infarct
hemorrhage Blood vessel partially occluded with organizing thrombus alveoli
Intra-alveolar hemorrhage Alveoli with barely distinguishable (necrotic) septa
Identify the organ Describe the gross morphologic changes Diagnosis?
Saddle thrombus (arrow) is a blood clot which is seen at the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery. A saddle thrombus often results in sudden death with no pathologic change in the lungs