Which are run-on sentences? 1.Education is important it leads to professional success. 2.It’s incredible to watch fireworks the displays are beautiful to behold. 3.The next chapter in the book has a lot of difficult information I’d better start studying now. 4.Sarah’s roommates rushed to the hospital when they heard she had broken her arm snowboarding.
Answers: Run-on Sentences: 1.Education is important it leads to professional success. 2.It’s incredible to watch fireworks the displays are beautiful to behold. 3.The next chapter in the book has a lot of difficult information I’d better start studying now.
Which are comma splices? 1.Dog breeders need space to raise their pups, they need money to feed them. 2.Vince had an appointment with the dentist, and he wanted to leave. 3.My sisters decided to order pizza, they didn’t have enough money. 4.When I saw my mom, I was happy to see that she was all right. 5.I didn’t like the movie, it was way too long.
Answers: Comma splices: 1.Dog breeders need space to raise their pups, they need money to feed them. 3.My sisters decided to order pizza, they didn’t have enough money. 5. I didn’t like the movie, it was way too long.
Which are sentence fragments? 1.Because she never wanted to leave her house after dark. 2.I need to buy a new car because mine keeps breaking down. 3.All of her friends, who had known her since kindergarten. 4.Although I played baseball in high school.
Answers: Sentence fragments: 1.Because she never wanted to leave her house after dark. 3. All of her friends, who had known her since kindergarten. 4. Although I played baseball in high school.
Exercise: Find the sentence errors Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google, a technology giant, in the late 1990s. Sergey came from Moscow, Russia. When he moved here. As a young man, he studied math and computer science Larry was born in Michigan, he became interested in computers as a child. They met in 1995 at Stanford University, in California, where they both studied computer science they did not get along at first, but they soon became friends. As they designed a new Internet search engine. They worked in their rooms in college, then they rented a garage. Three years later, they started Google. The company was an immediate success, it grew quickly. However, they did not stop at just one product, there were other Google products, like Google Maps and Gmail. Before Google, people went to libraries, they got information from books. These days, they just “google” for information.
Answers: run-on sentences, comma splices, fragments Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google, a technology giant, in the late 1990s. Sergey came from Moscow, Russia. When he moved here. As a young man, he studied math and computer science Larry was born in Michigan, he became interested in computers as a child. They met in 1995 at Stanford University, in California, where they both studied computer science they did not get along at first, but they soon became friends. As they designed a new Internet search engine. They worked in their rooms in college, then they rented a garage. Three years later, they started Google. The company was an immediate success it grew quickly. However, they did not stop at just one product, there were other Google products, like Google Maps and Gmail. Before Google, people went to libraries, they got information from books. These days, they just “google” for information.