Middle Ages
Jeopardy FeudalismCrusadesEconomicsPoliticalMisc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Category #1 $100 Question: What is a manor? Answer: a self sufficient area of land with enough food, water, shelter, and clothing for about 200 people---protected by knights Notes
Category #1 $200 Question: When and why did feudalism end? Answer: During the HIGH Middle Ages serfs were able to afford their freedom by saving, the Crusades, and arrival of the merchant class. Manors vanished and grew into large towns Notes
Category #1 $300 Question: What is the social hierarchy of feudalism? Answer: king-lords-vassals-knights-serfs Notes
Category #1 $400 Question: Describe chivalry Answer : the knights law code that include loyalty, bravery, treatment of women Notes
Category #1 $500 Question: Describe whom a vassal was? Answer given fiefs from lords, these lower nobles provided for the needs of the people on the manors by providing protection and food Notes
Category #2 $100 Question: Why is Jerusalem considered sacred by both Christians and Muslims? Answer: XP—the site of many of Jesus’ teachers….Muslims: where Mohammad prayed Notes
Category #2 $200 Question: What was the outcome of the 3 rd Crusade and why is this important? Answer: treaty for Christians to travel to Jerusalem safely— signed by Richard of England and Saladin --nationalism grew as France and England continued to fight due to Philips attack on England Notes
Category #2 $300 Question: Describe the Black Plague (symptoms and reason for spread) Answer: Symptoms: black lumps that look like bruises, chills, fever, coughing up blood Reasons: merchants class’ desire to become wealthy, poor sanitation, killing of cats, flaggenti, poor medical advice Notes
Category #2 $400 Question: What were 3 effects the Black Plague had on Europe Answer: power of the Church declined, 1/3 of the population decreased, peasant rebellions lead to higher wages, inflation, less products in circulation, better sanitation methods used Notes
Category #2 $500 Question: List 5 results of the Crusades Answer: opened trade routes; ended feudalism, nationalism rose, coined money came into use and taxes were created, kings gained power as nobles died, Eastern Orthodox Church split from the pope; goods such as the guitar; sugar; cinnamon; pepper; telescopes, mattresses; compasses; rugs; syrup; and stained glass windows Notes
Category #3 $100 Question: Describe payments during feudalism Answer: payments were made through loyalty through protection, fiefs, labor, or food Notes
Category #3 $200 Question: What is a guild? Answer: an assoication that set guidelines and prices for specific jobs in the middle ages Notes
Category #3 $300 Question: Describe how the economics of the HIGH middle ages spread the Black Plague. Answer: The Plague started in Sicily and moved to Genoa where it spread up and down the Italian coast’s ports. As products were traded—so was the disease. The desire to leave the manor and become rich kept merchants connected through their trade routes Notes
Category #3 $400 Question: Describe the economic characteristics of the Magna Carta Answer: The Magna Carta required the king to have taxes approved by a council of nobles, the King himself had to pay taxes, and items could not be taken from the people without their lawful consent. Notes
Category #3 $500 Question: What is a tithe? Answer: payment all Christians had to make to the Church, 10% Notes
Category #4 $100 Question: How did Popes show power over kings? Answer: interdiction, excommunication; they were educated Notes
Category #4 $200 Question: What is the Magna Carta? Answer :document signed by King John that limited the power of the king of England by separating church and state, giving a trial by jury to the people, and limiting taxation Notes
Category #4 $300 Question: What were the results of the 100 Years War? Answer: Flanders gained freedom, a French born king controlled ALL of the French lands, the crossbow and cannon were now used in battle Notes
Category #4 $400 Question: Who was Charlemagne? Answer: great king of the Holy Roman Empire who united all the lands together; well respected because he valued education and allowed anyone to come to him to talk/eat dinner Notes
Category #4 $500 Question: How did the Magna Carta create a system of checks and balances in England? Answer: the council of nobles was created which was later the Parliament to veto any unfair laws made by the king Notes
Category #5 $100 Question: Who were the Seljuk Turks? Answer: Muslim group that controlled Jerusalem during the Crusades Notes
Category #5 $200 Question: list and describe two reasons why manors grew into towns Answer: --merchant class became bigger which expanded trade and brought new items to Europe --serfs could buy their freedom after the Crusades—moved to towns and joined guilds --lords had to sell their lands to pay for Crusades Notes
Category #5 $300 Question: What is a troubadour? Answer: a traveling musicians who juggles and tells jokes Notes
Category #5 $400 Question: What is a squire? Answer: A young knight in training Notes
Category #5 $500 Question: What is the Byzantine Empire and where is it located? Answer: eastern Roman Empire that continued until 1400s--- very rich due to the Silk Road trade and located in present day Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria….capital was Constantiople Notes
Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Question” Put the following in chorological order: Black Death, Magna Carta, Crusades, Vikings, 100 Years War, crowning of Charlemagne as emperor of Holy Roman Empire