ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ТВОРЧЕСТВА 2015 / 2016 учебный год Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Московской области «Колледж «Подмосковье» ( ГБПОУ МО «Колледж «Подмосковье) ( , МО г. Солнечногорск, ул. Набережная, д.2 ) Номинация: Организация праздников и мероприятий в учреждениях профессионального образования Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по дисциплине "Английский язык", посвященного Всемирному дню инвалидов. Солнечногорск 2015 Разработала: Островская Дарья Геннадьевна, преподаватель английского языка первой квалификационной категории
International Day of Disabled Persons – 3 December
Disability should be distinguished from impairment and ill health. A clear distinction needs to be made between disability, impairment and ill-health. Impairments are long-term characteristics of an individual that affect their functioning and/or appearance. Ill health is the short term or long-term consequence of disease or sickness. Many people who have an impairment or ill health would not consider themselves to be disabled.
Disabled people face a wide range of barriers The types of barriers faced by disabled people include: attitudinal, for example among disabled people themselves and among employers, health professionals and service providers; policy, resulting from policy design and delivery which do not take disabled people into account; physical, for example through the design of the built environment, transport systems, etc.; those linked to empowerment, as a result of which disabled people are not listened to, consulted or involved.
The population of disabled people is large… It is estimated that there are about 13 million disabled people in Russia. Many of these people would not define themselves as disabled. The majority of these people experience low level impairments – wheelchair users, blind people and deaf people make up an important minority.
…and diverse The population of disabled people is highly diverse. It includes people from all age groups and across the income and education spectrum. Older people are more likely to be disabled than younger people, but over the past thirty years the incidence of disability has risen fastest amongst children – though it is not clear to what extent this simply reflects increased reporting. Among adults there are increasing numbers of people reporting mental illness and behavioural disorders, while the number of people reporting physical impairments is decreasing.
Disabled people experience disadvantage in many aspects of daily life Compared with non-disabled people, disabled people are: more likely to live in poverty –the income of disabled people is, on average, less than half of that earned by non disabled people; less likely to have educational qualifications – disabled people are more likely to have no educational qualifications; more likely to be economically inactive – only one in two disabled people of working age are currently in employment, compared with four out of five non-disabled people; more likely to experience problems with hate crime or harassment – a quarter of all disabled people say that they have experienced hate crime or harassment, and this number rises to 47% of people with mental health conditions; more likely to experience problems with housing – nine out of ten families with disabled children have problems with their housing; more likely to experience problems with transport – the issue given most often by disabled people as their biggest challenge.
The extent of the disadvantage is especially acute for some specific groups of disabled people Disabled people often experience multiple forms of labour market disadvantage: More than 40% of disabled people are low-skilled Around 25% of disabled people of working age are over-50yrs Around 10% are from ethnic minority ethnic groups For these groups there can be cumulative problems which add up to an even bigger impact on their life chances and quality of life.
Let’s help them to change their lives! Steps should be taken to improve the provision of advice, housing and transport options for disabled people Technology offers many different ways to help people with disabilities lead more normal lives. Devices that help them perform an activity are called assistive technology. Assistive technology can help people reach their personal and professional goals. It is needed to improve the labour market status of disabled people. Steps should be taken to improve the employability of disabled people. The government should support disabled young people and their families through the transition to adulthood.
Giving children with disabilities a brighter tomorrow! Many people assume that a child or young person with a disability would automatically receive the equipment they need. Sadly, this is not the case. Many families are unable to get the help they need from local health authorities for major items related to their child’s disabilities such as specialised mobility equipment. This means that because of budget constraints or delays, many families have no alternative but to purchase the items themselves, if they can afford it. We can help such children to get the equipment and aids they need. There are a lot of organizations ready to provide such help. You may join them and you may also make a donation through different SMS- or NET services like «Добро».
Russian benevolent institutions and organizations «Союз благотворительных организаций России» Русфонд (адресная помощь тжелобольным детям) Интернет-фонд «Помоги.org» «Российский фонд милосердия и здоровья»(программа «Милосердие – детям» - онкология, ВПС, опрно-двигательный аппарат, ДЦП и т.д.) Доброе сердце (Фонд помощи больным детям) «Помоги делом» "Подари жизнь!"
Together we can do it! “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!” Margaret Mead