© 2009 Hiu Kwan Chiu Anthro 174AW
Originally Dependent Variable: Divorce However, after many trial and errors with my hypothesis, it is very difficult to find any significant variables. Therefore….
Revised Hypothesis “Wife Beating” At first my hypothesis was that I believe that wife beating was a result of male aggression, or to give male a sense of superiority. Thus I thought that issues like women’s participation in things that would increase their power or status would then increase the occurrence of wife beating.
Several Independent Variables I ran a lot of variables of which here are several… 913. Trophies and Honors 615. Wife to Husband Institutionalized Deference 616. A Stated Preference for Children of One Sex 626. (No) Belief that Women are Generally Inferior to Men 902. Leadership During Battle 661. Female Political Participation, at least informal influence 664. Ideology of Male Toughness 667. Rape: Incidents reports, or thought of as means of punishment women, or part of ceremony. And many more….
Result of My xUR Unrestricted Model > bbb coef Fstat ddf pvalue VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd cultints roots cereals gath plow hunt fish anim pigs milk bovines tree foodtrade foodscarc ecorich popdens pathstress exogamy ncmallow famsize settype localjh superjh moralgods fempower femsubs sexratio war himilexp money wagelabor migr brideprice nuclearfam pctFemPolyg > r2 R2:final model R2:IV(distance) R2:IV(language)
Significant Ones 754. Wife-Beating : coef Fstat ddf pvalue VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd roots cereals superjh pctFemPolyg I did find several significant variables but I wanted to know what other variables would lead to wife beating.
Article “Women’s Status and Mode of Production” by Lewellyn Hendrix and Zakir Hossain “The Relationship Between Male Dominance and Militarism:Quantitative Tests of Several Theories” by Andrew R. Hoy “A General Theory of Gender Stratification” By Rae Lesser Blumberg Reading these articles, they talk a lot about male dominance and how it relates to male and female relationship which would include wife beating. Many of the issues discussed were similar to what I had in mind. So I picked some other variables to test out…
NEWLY reformatted by DRW: IN COURIER, FROM EDUMOD-18 (Intercept) NA Example of a crosstab: fyll No Hunting Hunting fydd No Wife Beating 2 12 roots Wife Beating cereals % 71% livingnew Fisher exact p=.03 techspecial It was surprising to me that hunt hunting societies had less wife > r2 beating (71%) than others (93%) R2:final model R2:IV(distance) R2:IV(language) but also surprising to see so much (80%) wife beating! > ccc Fstat df pvalue RESET Wald on restrs NCV SWnormal lagll lagdd Old (saved as a picture, impossible to format) coef Fstat ddf pvalue VIF (Intercept) NA fyll fydd roots cereals livingnew techspecial hunt Restricted Model (xR results) My Crosstabs are in my EduMod…
Significance with Wife beating: Neg. Coeff fyll (language) MAJOR CROP TYPE: Roots or tubers Cereal Grains Dependence on Hunting Living Arrangements for Newlyweds Pos. Coeff fydd (distance) Technological Specialization Ex. If there is more dependence on Hunting, it could mean that men are hunting more and would lower the chance of wife beating because they have already established their status. Ex. When men are specialized into a type of job role like: smiths, weavers, potter etc. there is a higher chance of wife beating, this could be the case because they don’t feel like the job gives them power or status thus must maintain it by hitting their wife.
Evaluation I am planning to expand this research by using these variables and do more research on the topic of “wife beating”. Also try to get some more information as to why the variables “Roots and Cereal” are significant as negative correlates of wife beating.