Technology Commercialization Class (BA468X) John Turner January 7, 2008
“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much. Because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt
What are we doing? A “hands-on” opportunity to develop a commercialization plan for technology from the OSU portfolio and other patents A cross disciplinary project class in technology commercialization tools and processes A four credit class running from Jan 7- March 12
COB AEP Tech Transfer Office Inventors Local Entrepreneurs, SWOT, PBR NCIIA PNNL HP
Patent Selection and Commercialization Plan Process TTO Provides list and input Advisory Team Screening Class Screening and Plan development Spin Off Based Plan Licensing Based Plan Other Plan Recommended Technology not viable for commercialization BA468X Class
Candidate Intellectual Property for the Class Novel Electronics Alternative Energy Medicine & Environmental Algae Biofuels- Murthy Burnable fuel source from Biofuel Waste- Hackelman New feedstock for flu vaccine- Anderson Bioremediation- Craig RFID Tags- PNNL Electronic Paper- HP
Class Overview Who is this guy? Instructor contact info Classroom logistics- schedule flexibility? Student intros & background Review class Schedule (M and w) Experimental Class- what’s that? Formation of teams Selection of patents
Class Overview (cont) Inventors and access Mentors- what are they for? Grading and team expectations Recommended texts Presentations and competitions Student contact information Invited speakers and protocols Non-disclosure agreement Is this for real?
Technology Commercialization (BA468X) Instructor- John Turner, PhD Class Schedule –MW (4-6 pm), Weatherford EG01 Contact Info –Office: Weatherford EG07 –Office Hours: M 1-3 pm, Wed 1-3 pm –Phone: – –Best way to reach me quickly is by
BA468X Mentors
Recommended Texts Resources “Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise”, Dorf and Byers “Academic Entrepreneurship: University Spinoffs and Wealth Creation”, Shane “Technology Management: Developing and Implementing Effective Licensing Programs”, R.C. Megantz “Crossing the Chasm”, Geoffrey Moore
Grading BA468X is a 4 credit class, with registration for Spring term There is no final or midterm Grade will be determined by a) Attendance, class participation and team dynamics, and balance of contribution (30% total) b) Interim Results: patent screening, market surveys, SWOT analysis, elevator speech, project plan (30% total) c) Final Presentation and Final Report (20% each) Feedback will be provided on a) halfway through the course and on b) within one week after presentation of results
Interim Assignments These 5 assignments are each 6%, for a total of 30% of the grade –Patent assessments (due Sat, 1/19); written only –Market evaluation (due Mon, 1/28); written + presentation –SWOT analysis of commercialization options (due Wed 2/6); written + presentation –Elevator speech (present Mon 2/11); presentation only –Financial and project plan (due Wed 2/20); written + presentation All (except the first) are team exercises Written assignments may be ed (preferred) or sent electronically by the specified date/time
Commercialization Plan Presentations and Competitions 1) In class final presentation- March 5rd 2) PBR Judging Panel- March 12 3) SWOT Investor Panel- TBD 4) New Enterprise Challenge- April 18 th $$$$
Small Group Activity What factors will determine the success of a technical idea in the marketplace? Think of at least ten- more is better. See if you agree on which are most important.