Is Cheerleading a Sport? By: Jessica Hoag
Thesis Statement Cheerleading is a sport because you compete, this requires a lot of physical activity, and can have many different types of injuries.
National & World Competition Nationals provide cheer teams the opportunity to compete and with a company that produces top-rate competitions. World's is when 40 nations come together to compete to see who will win the world title as best cheer-leading squad in the world.
Physical Activity Conditioning requires you to have good strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Stunts is when two cheerleaders lift another cheerleader into the air this requires you to have very good upper and lower body strength.
Sports Related Injuries The most common injuries: Strains & Sprains (52.4%) Fractures & Dislocations (16.4%) Concussions (3.5%) Head & Neck injuries (18.8%) The percentage of injuries caused by Cheerleading: in high school the Percentage of catastrophic injuries Is 65.1% and in college for catastrophic Injuries is 66.7%
Conclusion Cheerleading is a sport because this has a lot of physical activity, and while being physically active you have the chance of getting hurt, whether you are competing out cheering on you team.