Time is almost up – start building your future! Miha Mofardin
Intergenerational problem New generations Old generations New generations carrying the weight of the older generations Old generations secured their existence
Roll up your sleeves STEP 1 Every youth has to stream towards a participation in a fair, equal race – the race for a job opportunity STEP 2 The state and other actors have to offer a variety of possibilities for youths to express their ideas and be rewarded for that STEP 3 Throughout those possibilities, where the young and talented generation has the opportunity to promote their thoughts, which can become useful to the “opportunity givers”
“Opportunity givers” Public sector After the completed educational process, has to organize multiple types of equal competitions, where ideas are rewarded Prizes, such as free further education, initial capital for establishing a independent business Private sector The commitment of being involved in the process of giving youths job opportunities, throughout equal competitions The most promising competitors are entitled to a job opportunity
“Idea competitions” The state provides resources for the execution of this competitions and, in collaboration with the private sector provides prizes, such as internships, capital for the realization of ideas,…
The art of competing “Only the strongest survive” Hard work and commitment pays off No more privileged applicants 1st plac e Best idea 2nd place 2nd best idea
Win – Win sutation States and companies create jobs and at the same time they benefit from new, innovative ideas, proposed by the young generation The undergraduate students have the opportunity to secure a job, before graduation, throughout these “idea competitions” Their ideas and commitment is awarded Normative Short-term solution Positive results