Style When your choosing a Kimono it is important to choose the appropriate type. The types for Kimonos are : Furisode: are the most formal kimono for unmarried women. Homongi: often friends of the bride will wear them at weddings and receptions. Iromuji:They are mainly worn to tea ceremonies. Komon:This style is more casual and may be worn around town, or dressed up with a formal obi for a restaurant. Mofuku:The mofuku is worn on the days of the wake, funeral, and cremation of the deceased in a Buddhist funeral ceremony. Tomesode:the are two types of tomesode they are the Irotomesode which are single colouered and Kurotomesode which are black patterned ones worn below the waist line. Tsukesage:this one has more modest patterns that cover a smaller area. Uchikake:this style highly formal kimono worn only by a bride or at a stage performance. Susohiki/ Hikizuri: The susohiki is mostly worn by geisha or by stage performers of the traditional Japanese dance In kimonos, mens are similar to girls.
History During 8 th century, Kimonos became more fashionable for women. The formal kimono has replaced convenient western and yukata for everyday wear. In japanese they pronounce kimono as ‘gofuku’. During the Edo period the kimono sleeves began to grow in length.
How to wear a kimono 1.Put on the juban let the white collar show. 2.Put the kimono on like a bathrobe make sure the seam is centred, your sleeves get shorter as the get older 3.Wrap the right side of the kimono over your front and then overlap it with the left side, make sure the you point our it will look like you the walking dead 4.Pull up the excess fabric at the waist so the kimono comes evenly to your ankles. Tie your first belt bellow this excess fabric. 5.Fold the excess fabric back down over this belt and straighten it out evenly. Pull any excess to the sides of the kimono so the fabric is smooth against the front and back. The line must be neat and even where the fabric folds down over the belt. Check that the kimono is still even around your ankles. 6.Take your second belt, the date-jime, and wrap it over your middle region so that it can be tied in back Place it over the first belt on the outside of the fabric. The folded fabric needs to be visible for a couple inches below the second belt. 7.Tie the date-jimi once in the back. Bring the ends around to the front. Tie it once again. Tuck the ends securely under the belt to hold it in place. 8.You should wear your kimono with white socks. You can also wear your kimono with zori shoes
cost At second hand shops they are cheaper. For a second hand kimono you will pay about $5 A ladies kimono can start at around $15 and easily spend up to $10000.But if you add all the accessories it can cost up to $ A mens kimono costs a lower price due to the fact that they are narrower, shorter and less decorative.
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