Focus Question What are some general American values?
3-1: The American Value System
Essential Questions What are the basic values that form the foundation of American culture? What new values have developed in the US since the 1970’s
What are the basic values? In 1965, Sociologist Robin Williams (not the guy you’re thinking of) identified several core American values. These included: Personal Achievement Individualism Work Morality and Humanitarianism Efficiency and Practicality Progress and Material Comfort Equality and Democracy Freedom
Cont’d Personal Achievement – nation built primarily by people that valued individual achievement, as in the area of employment Individualism – success comes through hard work and initiative Work – discipline, dedication, and hard work are reviewed as signs of virtue
Cont’d Morality and Humanitarianism – high value is placed on morality and the world is viewed in terms of right and wrong; quick to help the less fortunate Efficiency and Practicality – practical and inventive, every problem has a solution, objects are judged on their usefulness and people on their ability to get things done.
Cont’d Progress and Material Comfort – through hard work and determination, living standards will continue to improve Equality and Democracy – to have human equality, there must be an equality of opportunity, success must be earned Freedom - freedoms of choice such as religion, speech, and press must be protected from government interferences
Activity #1: Poster Create a patriotic poster that depicts and describes at least 3 American values. 25 points
Activity #2: Paper Compare and contrast a pre 1970 television show to a post 2012 television show. How has American values changed over time and has the depiction of those values changed the way our culture has shaped in the 21st century?
New Values? In 1975 Sociologist James Henslin updated Williams’ initial analysis with: Commitment to the full development of one’s personality, talents, and potential, self- fulfillment includes leisure, physical fitness, and youthfulness. Environmental protection Education and religion were deemed important by students who were polled. Romantic love and the themes of “love conquers all”