Digital Photography
Different Kinds of Photography 1.Portrait (people) 2.Landscape (outdoor scene) 3.Still Life (objects) 4.Abstracts (designs)
New Brunswick Photographer Freeman Patterson Born 1937 in Long Reach, NB Lives near Shamper’s Bluff, NB, on the Kingston Penninsula Does photography at home in NB, and when he travels the world Teaches photography to others You don’t take pictures, you “make pictures.”
Photograph by Freeman Patterson
"Namaqualand in Bloom“ by Freeman Patterson
Photographs by Freeman Patterson
Photograph by Freeman Patterson
Digital Cameras
Identify the MAIN SUBJECT What might the main subject be? Here, the main subject is clear! (Set up the ‘scene’)
Get in Close Close is good.Really close might be better!
Hold the Camera Steady & Level A bit crooked…? (Does it make you feel dizzy?) Steady and level!
Check for FOCUS and GLARE from light Out-of-focus = blurry photo Flash on = glare or ‘shine’
Check Backgrounds A clay gargoyle A plain, clean background keeps your attention on the subject.
Tips for Taking Photos… 1.Decide on the subject (focal point) 2.Get in close 3.Hold the camera steady, straight and level 4.Check Focus (auto) 5.Check Flash (glare?) 6.Check your backgrounds 7.Experiment with a few more angles/shots, then pick the best! Tips for Taking Photos
After: Looking Critically… What photo do you like best? Why? What photo shows an interesting angle? How did you do it? What photo best shows the main subject. How did you do this?