>>>Executing the Balanced Scorecard Certification Boot Camp Certification Boot Camp 2010Page 1 ©2010 Palladium Group, Inc. General Exam Information –The Exam is a timed on-line test: 3 hours to complete Once you begin the Exam, you must complete it in one continuous 3-hr period –Exam is comprised of 100 multiple-choice questions (1 point each for a total of 100 points ) and 5 short-answer essay questions, (3-5 paragraphs/question and each short answer question is worth 20 points for a total of 100 points) –A passing score is 150 points out of the 200 possible points or 75% There is no penalty for incorrect answers To date the passing rate has been approximately 80% –Scheduled Exam Windows run from 9:00am EST Day 1 through 5:00pm EST Day 3: April 6-8, 2010 May 4-6, 2010 June 15-17, 2010 –Exams will be reviewed by Palladium’s Certification Advisory Board and scores (Pass / Fail) are reported within 90 days of the Exam taken date –After Exam is taken and scores reported, those who have passed will be invited to join Certified Premium Private Group within Palladium’s XPC Community and receive diploma for an additional fee of $595 –Certification must be renewed annually; renewal includes annual renewal fee of $295 and attendance at Palladium Conference or Summit every 2 years Certification Exam
>>>Executing the Balanced Scorecard Certification Boot Camp Certification Boot Camp 2010Page 2 ©2010 Palladium Group, Inc. Certification Exam Instructions to access the Exam during the Exam Window dates –1. go to the Candidates’ portal page: –2. login with Candidate credentials – username and password provided –3. click on the “Take Exam” button –4. validate identify by checking off the identity authenticity box Instructions while taking the Exam –1. Be sure not to hit the “Finish” button on the bottom left of the Exam pages to move from page to page. Use the arrows that surround the page number on the bottom center of each page to navigate. Only when you have completed the Exam, hit the “Finish” button – which will end your Exam session. –2. Minimum hardware / software computer requirements: Processor - Intel or AMD 1GHz and above Memory - 1GB and above Internet Explorer 7 and above with JavaScript enabled Windows XP recommended (but delegates have successful taken Exam on Vista without issues) Network Connection - Broadband or DSL – 3. It is critical to ensure that you use a stable internet connection. Any loss to internet connection issues may cause unexpected results - specifically it will lock you out of logging back into your Exam. Contact Karen DiMartino or Meg DiGregory, who can reset your access to your Exam for your unused remaining minutes. All work on the Exam prior to losing internet connection is saved and not lost. –4. Exam support during Exam Windows is available during Palladium Group Headquarters' business hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm EST. –5. Contact Information:Karen A. DiMartino: , Meg DiGregory: ,