Board Workshop: Overview Of CIWMB Waste Characterization Studies and Tools May 9, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Board Workshop: Overview Of CIWMB Waste Characterization Studies and Tools May 9, 2006

What is Waste Characterization Collect data on types and amounts of materials in the waste stream – how much paper, food, glass, metal, etc. Can collect data on what’s disposed, what’s diverted, or both (1990 base year studies) Can collect data at landfills from garbage trucks, or from dumpsters or trash cans at businesses or residences Most recent studies have only looked at what’s disposed – i.e., what’s left in the waste stream

Why is it important? Waste stream information is needed to assess and plan diversion programs and waste management strategies Need to know not only WHAT is in the waste stream, but WHERE it came from

How to do a Waste Characterization Study Take samples from garbage trucks or dumpsters Sort materials Record weights Compile data

California Overall Disposed Waste Stream Composition, 2003

The largest fraction of disposed waste consists of organic materials (30.2%), followed by construction & demolition materials (21.7%) and paper (21.0%).

Overriding Factors What are the goals which the study supports, and WHAT INFORMATION should the study provide to help achieve them? HOW MUCH is your budget?

Some Uses of Waste Characterization Data Provide cities with free data to assess their local waste streams Provide information to businesses and schools on the main materials they dispose Determine the amount of Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers disposed, in order to calculate their recycling rate Provide information on organic materials in the waste stream to assess impacts of air quality management district proposed restrictions on composting operations Provide details on film plastic in the waste stream Provide baseline information on disposal of e-waste Provide information on feedstocks for emerging technologies

Brief Recap of Characterization Studies in California In the beginning……… 1990 – AB 939 required local governments to do base year studies –Quantify and characterize waste disposed and diverted –Establish base year waste generation amount –Use data for diversion program planning –No standard method, so study approaches and data quality varied greatly

Theoretical City Solid Waste Generation Study, 1990 Material Type Amount Disposed Amount Diverted Amount Generated Paper Glass Metal Plastic Organics Constr. & Demo Other70575 TOTAL * * Base year generation amount

What studies have jurisdictions done since 1990? Corrected base year studies Do new base year studies (focus more on amounts than characterization) Very few have done full characterization studies; they are mostly for disposed waste only Because field studies are expensive!

Brief Recap, continued Addressing base year problems: 1995 – Board developed Uniform Waste Disposal Characterization method as required by AB 2494 –Requires characterization of disposed waste only (different from base year studies) –Several data collection approaches allowed –Established uniform material types –Established Waste Characterization Database as part of the uniform method

Method and Database Mission: Provide tools to help local governments assess their own waste streams in an effective, inexpensive way

Unique to California Waste Characterization Database developed in 1995 Unique in the nation Updated in 1999 using data from statewide characterization study Easy access on website Tool for local governments in CA, businesses, others Used by other states and other countries as model

Database Demonstration

Context – Other States Oregon - statewide characterization of waste every 2 years, as required by state law Minnesota – 1992 and 1999 studies Missouri – 1987 and 1997 studies Pennsylvania – First statewide study in 2001 Florida – Developed model for county level composition data in 2001 Washington – Statewide studies in 1987, 1992, cooperative study with counties in 2002 Many other states have done studies (GA, WI, IA, VT, others)

Brief Recap, continued 1999 – First statewide study, focused on generator sampling of commercial sector to update database 2001 – Board’s Strategic Plan included periodic statewide studies 2003 – More general update of statewide characterization data 2005 – Targeted studies focusing on 4 areas

Overview of 1999 Statewide Study Types and amounts of materials being disposed Amount of Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers (RPPCs) disposed statewide Add data to CIWMB’s Waste Characterization Database and Web Page First statewide study for California Used Board’s standard method and definitions

Study Methodology 1,682 total samples collected and analyzed; 1,207 from individual businesses 25 study sites throughout the state 3,648 vehicle surveys Data set unique in the U.S. and the world

Study Results Statewide percent waste disposed from residential, commercial, and self-haul sectors Disposal composition profiles for: –Residential sector - single family and multi- family sources –Self-haul sector – commercial sources and residential sources –Commercial sector – 25 different business groups –Overall statewide waste stream

Estimated Contribution Of Each Sector To The Overall Disposed Waste Stream, 1999

Material Classes in the Overall Disposed Waste Stream, 1999

Top 10 Material Types In Overall Statewide Waste Stream, 1999

The Importance of Generator Sampling

“The most extensive and authoritative source of waste profile data is the State of California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) 1999 Statewide Waste Characterization Study.” Miami-Dade County website developed with a grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Overview of 2003 Statewide Study Smaller budget than 1999 Study More general information on commercial sector – no generator sampling, only landfill-based sampling Statewide percent waste disposed from residential, commercial, and self-haul sectors Disposal composition profiles for: –Residential sector - single family and multi-family sources –Self-haul sector – commercial sources and residential sources –Commercial sector as a whole –Overall statewide waste stream

Overview Collected data in all 5 regions of the state, during four seasons Sampled at disposal facilities only Surveyed 4,693 vehicles at 22 facilities throughout the state Sampled 550 loads/sites –200 commercial loads –110 single-family loads & 40 multifamily sites –200 self-hauled loads Sorted waste samples into 98 materials Quantified the waste and calculated average composition for each sector

New for 2003 Data for CRV containers disposed, in cooperation with Department of Recycling Data for RPPCs (as in 1999) Amounts of 4 types of electronics disposed More detailed information on plastic film Carpet treated as separate material Oil Filters treated as separate material

Waste Quantities, million tons were disposed Disposal Reporting System provided total waste quantity data, and waste characterization study provided sector breakdown data million 12.7 million 8.6 million CommercialResidentialSelf-hauled 47.0 % 31.6 % 21.3 % Tons Disposed in 2003

Statewide Overall Waste Composition, 2003 The largest fraction of disposed waste consists of organic materials (30.2%), followed by construction & demolition materials (21.7%) and paper (21.0%).

Top 10 Disposed Materials Overall, 2003

Overview of Commercial Disposed Waste, 2003

Overview of Residential Disposed Waste, 2003

Overview of Self-Hauled Disposed Waste, 2003

Potential Recoverability by Sector, 2003 = recyclable materials = compostable materials = recoverable C&D materials Commercial 26.4% 23.8% 11.2% Residential 34.4% 20.5% 8.8% Self-hauled* 6.8% 10.7% 38.0% * Both commercial and residential self-hauled

2005 Studies Four Targeted Studies 1.Waste Disposal and Diversion Findings for Selected Industry Groups 2.Characterization and Quantification of Residuals from Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) 3.Detailed Characterization of Construction & Demolition Waste 4.Detailed Characterization of Self-haul and Drop-box Waste

Some Past Uses of Waste Characterization Data (again) Provide cities with free data to assess their local waste streams (waste characterization database) Provide information to businesses and schools on the main materials they dispose (waste characterization database) Determine the amount of Rigid Plastic Packaging Containers disposed, in order to calculate their recycling rate (1999 Statewide Study) Provide information on organic materials in the waste stream to assess impacts of air quality management district proposed restrictions on composting operations (1999 Statewide Study) Provide details on film plastic in the waste stream (2003 Statewide Study) Provide baseline information on disposal of e-waste(2003 Statewide Study) Provide information on feedstocks for emerging technologies (2003 Statewide Study)


Organics Organics in Wastestream Data helped shape Organics Program focus Data assists in multiple program activities: –SCAQMD-PR1133, SJVUAPCD-Rule 4565 – SODs –CT work

Organics (continued) Data has helped in further understanding Organics material flows/infrastructure Data is an important tool for future trends: –Biosolids, manure –Feedstock composition for CT development Data is a tool for program’s future focus

Paper Paper overview Data help identify industry sectors that were large generators Industry states paper recycling at 50% CT may be a viable option for low grade or contaminated paper

Construction and Demolition (C&D) l What is C&D? l Targeting and Program Priorities l Measure Program Effectiveness

What is C&D? l Materials l Sectors l Activities

Targeting and Program Priorities l Sectors –Commercial –Residential –Self-haul l Categories –Lumber –Cardboard –Concrete –Drywall –Carpet l Activities –New Construction –Remodeling/Additions –Demolition

Measure Program Effectiveness l National Carpet MOU l Recycled Aggregate l Feedback on effect of local C&D diversion ordinances l Effectiveness of Green Building Executive Order (S-20-04) l Materials Flow and Economics

Plastics l Three V’s of Plastics –Variety –Volume –Value l Trends and general diversion rate –Current diversion about 5%

Plastics l Targeting and Program Effectiveness –Formerly, RPPC recycling rates –Plastic categories for targeting –Part of measuring success of voluntary efforts –Material flows and seasonal studies of specialty items like Ag film