Data Coordination Working Group (DCWG)
2 Met with EIA Discussed DCWG Scope Reviewed Action Items from the Last Meeting Discussed DCWG Work Plan Evaluated Confidence Levels for Capacity Deliberated on Regional Feedback on Summer/LTRA data collection. Discussed NERC’s current & future data analysis approach DCWG Meeting April 9-10, 2008 (Washington, DC)
3 Meeting held on April 9, 2008 in Washington D.C. EIA to write letter to NERC outlining (Task 7 of DCWG work plan): Improvements to Current EIA 411 Data Collection Future Areas of Collaboration Update NERC/EIA MOU NERC to send letter to EIA thanking them (Bob Schnapp) for support on Schedule 7 (Transmission Outage Data) & Schedule 3. DCWG to re-design Schedule 2 (Unified Generator Database): Support LTRA True-up to EIA 860 NERC to support Presidential Permitting for Canadian/Mexico Interconnections EIA desires Spring/Fall Meetings Work Status: Joint Meeting with EIA (Task 6 of DCWG Work Plan)
4 Meeting held on April 9-10, 2008 in Washington D.C. Consistent Posting of Meeting Materials Formed a task force defining confidence levels for capacity data (Fedora, Simons & Molesky along with a representative from SERC and NERC) SERC to summarize data submittal recommendations based on regional feedback on the Summer/LTRA data collection Request RAS move the LTRA due date to May 1 corresponding to EIA’s new due data of July 15, 2008 NPCC Representative (Fedora) will perform a trial run to demonstrate risk assessment approaches to capacity margin analysis (Supporting Task 4 of the DCWG Work plan) Work Status: DCWG Meeting
5 Status of Risk Analysis and capacity confidence bounds – Phil Fedora Comments on LTRA forms, as with Summer – Herb Schrayshuen Update on NERC activities – Mark Lauby RAITF IVGTF DRDTF RMWG Individual unit data collection All Status of Letter to EIA – Mark Lauby Status of MOU with EIA – Mark Lauby EIA – John Makens Write DCWG a letter outlining areas of improvement that they would like to see Presidential permits Fall Meeting Agenda & Meeting Objectives