University of Nevada, Reno Resolving Anonymous Routers Hakan KARDES CS 790g Complex Networks
Outline Introduction Anonymous router resolution – Problem – Previous approaches Anonymity types Anonymity resolution via graph-based induction (GBI) Conclusions 2 CS 790g: Complex Networks
Internet Topology Measurement: Internet topology measurement studies Involves topology collection / construction / analysis Current state of the research activities Distributed topology data collection studies/platforms – Skitter, AMP, iPlane, Dimes, DipZoom, … – 20M path traces with over 20M nodes Issues in topology construction 1.Verifying accuracy of path traces 2.IP alias resolution 3.Subnet inference 4.Anonymous router resolution CS 790g: Complex Networks 3
Topology Collection (traceroute) Probe packets are carefully constructed to elicit intended response from a probe destination traceroute probes all nodes on a path towards a given destination – TTL-scoped probes obtain ICMP error messages from routers on the path – ICMP messages includes the IP address of intermediate routers as its source Merging end-to-end path traces yields the network map Internet Topology Discovery 4 S DABC Destination TTL=1 IP A TTL=2 IP B TTL=3 IP C TTL=4 IP D Vantage Point Details
Outline Introduction Anonymous router resolution – Problem – Previous approaches Anonymity types Anonymity resolution via graph-based induction (GBI) Conclusions 5 CS 790g: Complex Networks
Anonymous routers do not respond to traceroute probes and appear as in traceroute output – Same router may appear as in multiple traces. Internet Topology Discovery 6 y: S – L – H – x x: H – L – S – y y: S – – H – x x: H – – S – y S L H y x S L H y x y S 11 22 H x Current daily raw topology data sets include ~ 20 million path traces with ~ 20 million occurrences of s along with ~ 500K public IP addresses The raw topology data is far from representing the underlying sampled network topology Problem
7 Internet2 backbone Traces x - H - L - S - y x - H - A - W - N - z y - S - L - H - x y - S - U - K - C - N - z z - N - C - K- H - x z - N - C - K - U - S - y S L U K C H A W N y x z CS 790g: Complex Networks Problem
Internet2 backbone S L U K C H A W N y x z Traces x - - L - S - y x - - A - W - - z y - S - L - - x y - S - U - - C - - z z - - C - - - x z - - C - - U - S - y CS 790g: Complex Networks 6 Problem
Internet Topology Discovery 9 UKCN LHAW S d e f Sampled network d e f S U L C A W Resulting network Traces d - - L - S - e d - - A - W - - f e - S - L - - d e - S - U - - C - - f f - - C - - - d f - - C - - U - S - e Problem
Basic heuristics – IP: Combine anonymous nodes between same known nodes [Bilir 05] Limited resolution – NM: Combine all anonymous neighbors of a known node [Jin 06] High false positives More theoretic approaches – Graph minimization approach [Yao 03] Combine s as long as they do not violate two accuracy conditions: (1) Trace preservation condition and (2) distance preservation condition High complexity O(n 5 ) – n is number of s – ISOMAP based dimensionality reduction approach [Jin 06] Build an n x n distance matrix then use ISOMAP to reduce it to a n x 5 matrix Distance: (1) hop count or (2) link delay High complexity O(n 3 ) – n is number of nodes 10 UK C N L HA W S x y z Sampled network x y z S U L C A W After resolution x y z S U L C A W H x y z S U L C A W Resulting network CS 790g: Complex Networks Previous Approaches
Outline Introduction Anonymous router resolution – Problem – Previous approaches Anonymity types Anonymity resolution via graph-based induction (GBI) Conclusions 11 CS 790g: Complex Networks
Anonymity Types Type 1: Do not send any ICMP responses Type 2: Rate limit ICMP responses Type 3: Do not send ICMP responses when congested Type 4: Filtered ICMP responses at border routers Type 5: ICMP responses with private source IP address 12 CS 790g: Complex Networks
Graph Based Induction (GBI) - Our Approach Graph based induction – A graph data mining technique Find frequent substructures in a graph data Commonly used in mining biological and chemical graph data Use of GBI for anonymous router resolution – Observe common graph structures due to anonymous routers – Develop localized algorithms with manageable computational and storage overhead – Trace Preservation Condition Merge anonymous nodes as long as they cause no loops in path traces 13 CS 790g: Complex Networks
Common Structures 14 A x C y2 A x C Parallel -substring y1 y3 y1 y3 DA wx C y E z DA wx C y E z Star A C x y D w F v E z A C x y D w F v E z Complete Bipartite A C x y D w E z A C x y D w E z Clique CS 790g: Complex Networks
Parallel -substring Algorithm For each -substrings (a, i,c), represent it as a tuple (a||c, i ) – a||c is the tuple identifier and a<c Read path traces and build the sorted list L of two tuples Subsequently read tuples are compared to the ones in the list based on tuple identifiers and duplicates are excluded from L Handling anonymity due to ICMP rate limiting or congestion A second scan of path traces looking for substrings of the form (a,b,c) corresponding to (a, i,c) in L 15 a c b a c b CS 790g: Complex Networks
Clique Generate a new graph G* = (V*,E*) – For each -substring of type (a, e, b), V* ← V* U {a, b} E* ← E* U {e(a,b)} First identify 4-cliques and grow them by adding nodes that are connected to at least 4 nodes of the structure – Helps in tolerating few missing links in large cliques Then, process all 3-cliques 16 a c d e a c d e a c d e CS 790g: Complex Networks
Complete Bipartite First search for a small size, i.e., K 2,3, complete bipartite structure in G* and then grow it to a larger one – Take each pair of nodes and look whether they are in a K 2,3 – Identifying a K 2,3, look for larger complete bipartite graphs K 2,m and then K n,m that contain the identified K 2,3. Then, process all K 2,2 ’s 17 A C D F E A C D F E In G C D F E In G* In G A CS 790g: Complex Networks
Star Combine anonymous neighbors of a known node under trace preservation condition – Starting from ones with smallest number of anonymous neighbors 18 DA w C y E z DA w C y E z Note: Operate on G and not on G* CS 790g: Complex Networks
Outline Introduction Anonymous router resolution – Problem – Previous approaches Anonymity types Anonymity resolution via graph-based induction (GBI) Conclusions CS 790g: Complex Networks 19
Summary Internet Topology Discovery20 DA C E GBI DA C E Underlying DA C E Collected DA C E Neighbor Matching Responsiveness reduced in the last decade NP-hard problem Graph Based Induction Technique Practical approach for anonymous router resolution Identifies common structures Handles all anonymity types Helpful in resolving multiple anonymous routers in a locality Uses subnet info to reduce the false postives
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